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Z: I was so scared, I've never been so afraid to lose anyone before. As soon as I heard that you were shot I rushed here, please wake up, I really need you to live.
Just then I felt her move her hand
L: morning
I let out a smile
Z: how do you feel?
L: pretty good, these painmeds are definitely doing their work
Z: that's great

Lucy's pov:
Tim was coming from the corridor in to the room.
T: hey! How are you?
L: I'm pretty good all things considered?
Tim sat down besides me, on the other side from Zoe. He held my hand and our eyes met
Z: I think I'll go and grab a bite, see you in ten Luce!
L: yeah
Zoe walked out and went to the cafeteria
T: you sure you good? Zoe named a lot of medications you're on
L: yeah, I need my medication to not feel like I want to die
I tried to make a joke about it too soften the tenseness between us, Tim smiled and chuckled.
T: well I guess you need them then
L: yeah I do
Tim and I looked at each other, not speaking just staying in to each other's eyes
T: I know that it's not a great timing but uhm..
L: what??
T: do you want to grab dinner, you know, like a date?
L: yeah I'd really like that
T: you would?
L: yeah
I smiled, Tim then left the room and Zoe came back in with some food for us
Z: you're all smiley, did he finally ask you out?
L: wha- why would he?
I blushed and tried to hide my feelings
Z: the only people who can't see that Tim loves you is Tim and you
L: what? I mean he's cute and quite...
Z: hot? He's exactly your type
L: okay, yeah, he asked me out
I was red like a tomato and Zoe laughed by the sight of me being embarrassed and in love.
Z: oh my god, you're falling for him
L: I am not
Z: you totally are
L: oh stop it, we haven't even been on a date yet
Z: okay okay lovebird
I laughed at Zoe's comments. I was released a week later and she two week I was cleared for duty. Everyone applauded when I walked in to rollcall.
G: welcome back office Chen, how are you feeling?
L: I'm good, thanks
G: great, you'll be on patroll with Nolan today, west you're with Bradford
L: yes sir
Everyone went on patroll and at lunch Tim sat besides me and before anyone else came, he asked me if tonight was a good day for a date
L: yeah
T: great, I'll pick you up at 7
L: great
Shift ended and we went home.

Tim's pov:
I have no idea what to wear, Lucy said something casual but nice and preferably something that goes with blue. I picked a black suit with a dark blue tie, I then started driving towards her house.

Lucy's pov:
I had already picked dress, I put on my tight Navy blue silky dress which had long sleeves and went to just above my knees. I did my makeup and styled my hair and was done with everything just in time for Tim to knock on my door. I opened the door.

Tim's pov:
T: Wow you look-you look beautiful
L: thanks
Lucy looked incredibly good, and get smile was breathtaking. Lucy smiled and blushed when I complimented her
T: so uhm-should we get going?
L: yeah
We went to my truck and I opened the door for Lucy
L: such a gentleman
T: to you yeah
Lucy looked me in the eyes and smiled. Lucy have the prettiest eyes ever, no wonder she uses them as puppy eyes.

Lucy's pov:
Tim has magical eyes, they look like a sunset ocean on a vacation to somewhere beautiful, like Greece. His eyes were bluer than the sky. During the car ride, good hand were on my thigh and he kept rubbing his thumb while he glanced at me eyes and my tits.
L: how long til we're there?
I spoke with a light and rather cute voice
T: about 2 minutes
L: great
We arrived and Tim opened the door for me. We ordered food and started eating
L: this is a little weird, isn't it?
T: maybe
L: we've eaten together loads of times before
T: non whom included naked time afterwards
L: naked time?
T: well... Yeah
L: I just need to clear the air about something
T: yeah?
L: you will not see me naked for a while, I want to take things slow and steady
T: me too, that's great
L: yeah

Tim's pov:
Lucy is so beautiful, I'll do everything to be with her. I looked around to make sure no one from the station saw us
L: you good? Worries someone from the station gonna see us?
T: no it's nothing
I chuckled as Lucy cought me. We heard someone fighting in the kitchen, they made their way to the tables and one of the men picked up a knife.
L: Knife!
The man put the knife down and I put on his cuffs while Lucy put pressure on the other man's wound.
L: still worried someone from the station is going to see us?
I laughed and then turned around to see cops coming in, but I only recognized the Captain.

Lucy's pov:
Zoe came when she heard I was involved.
Z: heyy! You both good?
T: yeah
L: yeah we're great
Z: how was your... Date.. going
Zoe smirked at us
T: it wasn't- we were just- a case, yeah a case
L: oh good chill out Tim she already knows
T: yeah okay good
Z: gosh officer zaddy you're really in love
T: that- that's not your.. Business
Z: yeah except it kind of.. is
L: well, we are going to another place so we can have our dinner alone.
T: yeah.
Tim and I ended up outside a vietnamese foodtruck. We saw a boy tripping to break in to a car.
Tim showed the boy good badge and he ran away
L: you know he's just going to break in to another car?
T: yeah, well then someone else can arrest him.
Tim's hands was on my thigh and we stared in to each other's eyes, slowly leaning forward and our lips finally met. I felt a rush in my stomach, I closed my eyes and Tim took his other hand to my chin and lifted my face so he would have a better angle to my lips. Our first kiss. I could see that he wanted more .
L: should we get going home?
T: yeah, come here
Tim took my hand and our fingers were interlace. We went to his truck and he started driving us to his place, his hand was on my thigh the entire time and he kept going upwards and towards my private area. We pulled up at his house and we made our way inside and sat ourselves at the couch.
L: I know what I said about taking things slow and yeah, but I'm willing to change my opinion and just take things as they come off your willing to do the same
T: yeah I agree, we should just go with the flow, right?
L: yeah
Tim jumped closer to me, our eyes met and without saying anything we stared kissing, not the sexy kind but the "I'm in love with you" kind. Tim wrapped his arms around my waist but he didn't rush in to things. I decided to take things further by unbuttoning his shirt, one button at a time and his abs slowly started to show. After a while every button was unbuttoned and I ripped the shirt off of him, his biceps were enormous and the outlines of his abs were outlined.
T: you good?
I stared at his muscles, smiling with a grin on my face
L: yeah, just admiring what Im seeing
T: well that's great, du you want to see more?
L: that wouldn't be too bad
We were standing close to each other and he took my dress of, I was only in a light blue lacey set and I started to unzip Tim's pants, gently pulling his jeans down so he only had his boxers on. I stood against Tim kissing him and felt him against my lower stomach. I gasped as the feeling of Tim being hard reached my waist. We made our way to the bedroom, kissing each other softly and my back met the cold wall with a shiver.
T: you sure you don't want to take it slow?
L: yeah
T: great

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