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Tim's pov
T: are you seeing what I'm seeing?
A: the Captain paying for Chen's food? Yeah, it's weird
H: why is the Captain paying for Chen?
T: we don't know, they just clicked and they're having fun
I'm glad Chen has someone to talk to, she needs it.

Lucy's pov:
I like Zoe, she understands me in a way no one else has and she makes me feel like I'm worth something.
L: thanks
Z: for what?
L: everything
I smiled and felt really calm for the first time in a long time
L: should we get back out there?
Z: yeah, let's go
We started patrolling again.

Tim's pov:
I see Jackson and Nolan sitting at another table, I think they're taking about Chen and why she's with the Captain. I heard them talking.
J: why's Chen riding with the Captain?
N: I have no idea, I hope she's not in trouble, she can't afford any more loss right now
Loss? What had happened to her in the past? I know that it's not my business but I needed to know so I ran a background check on her but I didn't found anything so I let it go.

Lucy's pov:
My shift was over but it was really great, so I went home with a big smile and started changing for a night out, I put on a baby blue silky dress with a slit on my leg and a V-neck. I did my hair half up half down and natural makeup. At last, I put some heels on and picked a hand-bag and waited for the Captain to pick me up. There was a knock on the door
Z: hey
L: hi, you look great Captain
Z: call me Zoe outside work, and so do you
L: thanks
Z: now where do you want to eat?
L: I don't know, you?
Z: We could go to the new sushi place downtown
L: yeah! But this time in paying
Z: okay
We drove to the restaurant and ate our food, on the way out we saw a man with a gun so we called it in and then started following the guy with our off duty weapons til backup arrived, we saw the man raising a gun and the second before he was going to release his weapon, the Captain shot him in the shoulder making him unable to shoot. We ran up and saw a man sitting on the ground, he explained the situation and we had the suspect til the backup finally came. Out off the shop came Bradford and Lopez, they worked overtime and took the suspect to the shop
Z: we can go to the bar now
L: yeah

Tim's pov:
T: why were the Captain with Chen again?
A: I don't know, they were hella dressed up aswell, probably going out to a bar.
T: yeah but why with Chen?
A: don't know, they seem to get along well
T: yeah
I was curious but didn't do anything, Lopez and I processed the man, did the paperwork and then went home to sleep.

Lucy's pov:
Zoe and I went to a bar, I ordered tequila and she ordered a beer
Z: you're a tequila girl?
L: yeah, you?
Z: I drink beer most times actually
L: Ooo
A man came up to me
Man: hey could I buy you two a drink each?
I looked at Zoe and she looked at me, we then turned around
L&Z: no we're good, thanks
Man: oh come on
Z: I'm sorry but we said no
Man: fine
When he walked away he first turned to me and grabbed my arm, I pulled it away.
Man: i know you want me
L: you see I really don't
Man: I'm not so sure you'll say that when I've showed you my little guy down there
L: I said back off
Man: why? You'll want me eventually
Z: she said back off
Man: oh a fiesty one
He turned to Zoe.
L: leave now or you'll  leave in cuffs
Man: you're not going call the police on me

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