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[Xiao's POV]

I looked up at y/n, ignoring their outstretched hand and pushing myself to my feet.

"Are you hurt?" I asked them, my usual response to any situation like this. Ask if the person was okay, thank for their assistance and leave.

But this time, I felt inclined to ask questions. To see how much I can find out. I was curious. 

Curiosity, it wasn't a concept I was familiar with. Of course, I had been curious before, who hadn't? But it wasn't a feeling I wanted to experience.

"If I may ask," I started, "But how did you obtain your vision? You don't really seem like the kind of person to have gone through any major internal hardships. It's a known thing that a quality cryo users share are major internal hardships. Did you receive the vision from someone you know?"

{You cannot tell me that Xiao wouldn't be blunt like that when it comes to stuff like this, I refuse to hear it}

Their blank stare made me think maybe I had pushed too far. I wasn't used to this sort of conversation. I don't even know what made me ask.

I could see y/n registering what I'd just said. When they did, a look of shock crossed their face.

"Don't seem like that kind of person, huh?" they said, voice weak and shaky.

I nodded slowly.

They sighed shakily, "Didn't your mom ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover?" There was spite to their words, an edge there that I didn't expect.

I felt slightly lost for words. What would any other person do in this situation? 

They looked at me with a hard gaze, a pain hidden behind it that no ordinary person would be able to sense. But I could, I could sense it. And there was so much pain hidden there, it scared me. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it before.

I was about to ask them more questions but they suddenly turned on their heel and ran off.

I was left standing there in shock.

As much as I didn't want to engage any more that I usually do, I felt compelled to go and see if they were okay. As much as I wasn't a fan of engaging with others, I never liked leaving a conversation on a bad note.

So I ran off in the direction I saw them last go in.


After running for a while, I ended up back at the shack I  first met y/n at. That day where they had been frozen to the floor. I'm still not sure if it was on purpose or by accident they ended up like that. 

I don't know why I showed up there, maybe it was because that was the only place I had ever seen them at apart from Wangshu Inn, I wasn't sure.

To my surprise they were there. 

I wasn't sure why i hadn't sensed their presence while I was approaching the hut, but I did see them, sat inside, perched on a small tree stump in the corner of the building.

I did think to go and talk to them, but I stopped myself when I heard them.

They were crying.

I didn't know what to do in that situation. Human emotions had always given me trouble. I did not feel the need to experience or understand them. They got in the way of my duties, and if one were to let them get to the head, would completely mess their judgement.

But in situations like these, my lack of understanding wasn't ideal. 

I stood there, uncomfortably, for a bit, contemplating whether I should go and at least try and comfort them. I nearly did, but on a second thought, I decided I wasn't the right person to help.

Spinning on my heel, I disappeared, heading back to Wangshu Inn.


{On a more serious note, I'm probably going to have to take longer than usual to write another chapter, probably around the time it took for me to write this one, since as well as writing, I've taken up art commissions, streaming and being in a School Bus Graveyard roleplay server full time with a few of my friends, so I have a lot on my plate, as well as the average things for a student, exams coming up, classes, homework and also now I also have therapy and guitar to factor in to my schedule. But trust me when I say I will never want to discontinue a fic on purpose.}

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