Chapter Four

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-Past Flashback-

The sound of heavy footsteps on metal echoes throughout the hall followed by an occasional rough voice calling out "clear" when all hostiles in the room were dropped. Kaven leads his temporary team of fifteen soldiers through the underground facility, he checks each room from top to bottom making sure they aren't missing even the smallest bit of intel. They were given a job to do and Kaven was going to make sure everything went exactly to plan, there wasn't any room for screw-ups, he kept a close eye on every soldier as he already started mentally preparing the written evaluation of every one of them. Some of them needed some more work, others were good but could use a few tips, and lastly, there were at least three who Kaven knew weren't cut for this specific line of work.

Kaven leans against the metal desk in what appears to be an infirmary, he holds a pistol in one hand and a small stack of papers in the other. The papers were some medical reports about a new drug that was being tested, a drug that was supposed to render a person temporarily paralyzed for up to two hours. Side effects noted were drowsiness yet unable to fall asleep, hallucinations, and claustrophobia despite the room being of average size. Kaven flips through the next few pages and it shows the same thing, different drugs being tested followed by side effects and results.

"Sir... You should come see this" A young-looking female soldier with a grim expression says while waiting by the door for him. Kaven folds up the few papers and puts them in his vest before following the soldier down the hall towards another set of stairs that lead down. He followed her through another hall before coming to a large room that held two cells, the first one closest to the door was empty with the only thing in it being some frayed rope and splatters of blood but the next one made him turn away for a moment.

Inside the cell was a large male figure curled up on the ground in a fetal position, the figure was shaking and covered in a thick layer of blood. The cell was already open by the time he came down yet no one had walked inside yet.

"How should we proceed sir?" Another soldier asked as someone ran out of the room to throw up causing Kaven to sigh.

"Go check on him, I'll handle it" The soldier nods and Kaven enters the cell to get a better look at the person.

The figure doesn't look up when he enters but Kaven has a feeling he knows that he's not alone, upon a closer look he can tell the figure is a soldier by the ripped uniform he wears, it is one similar to his own.

'Someone else under General Shepherd'

Kaven stops in front of him and bends down to get a better look, the male figure jolts away but doesn't get far with his arms, hands, and legs being bound together.

The male figure has blonde hair that is curly on top but shaved at the sides and is currently stained in blood. Some sort of frayed black material hung loosely around the bottom and top of his face, Kaven assumed it was a mask at some point but now it hung on by threads hiding nothing. The blonde has hazel-colored eyes that appear a dull deep brown in the lighting, the eyes stay on the floor for a while before they trail up to his thighs where his other pistol and throwing knives rest. The man hisses in pain as he tries to jolts back trying to roll away from him but Kaven reaches out a hand to stop him.

"Laswell, this is Viper, Do you copy?" Kaven's coms crackle for a moment before a quick reply comes.

"This is Laswell, Copy"

"I think I got one of yours, I need immediate medevac. Unsure how bad the injuries are" Kaven gives their location in a firm voice after.

"Sending them to your location, It'll be about thirty."

"Roger, they are in good hands until then"

"Affirmative, I'll let you know when they arrive"

Kaven pushes the male to lay on his back, he removes the frayed material around their head and tosses it to the side. The male tries to fight back but only manages to get out hisses and a few low whimpers of pain.

Masked Stranger (Male Oc x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now