Chapter Six

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The sound of Gaz yelling at the recruits causes Ghost to silently groan in annoyance, Gaz's voice pierces sharp and authoritative to the rookies yet his voice doesn't get anywhere near as much as a reaction that Ghost's does. The way Ghost gets the attention of the room with his mere presence, how a single glare can have a soldier and the occasional higher-up shaking in their boots thinking they have done something to wrong him.

Ghost sighs sipping on his lukewarm Yorkshire tea at the brief moment of silence that he gets before Gaz starts yelling again. Price dropped off some paperwork for the new men that would be under his command earlier that morning but he hasn't looked at it yet. The papers lay on his office desk untouched as he enjoys his morning tea, he doesn't have any duties for the next hour allowing him some time to fully wake up and prepare for a new day of work.

Once his tea is finished he rinses out the cup and sets it off to the side to dry, afterward, he starts towards his office but stops at the window overlooking the training field. Gaz is running a group of six rookies through a training drill while Soap and Shade sit off to the side. Every once in a while Shade or Soap points towards the rookies commenting on something that he can't hear. Soap laughs slapping a friendly hand on Shade's shoulder, he flinches slightly at the touch, it's hardly noticeable but Ghost notices. Shade's mask lights up with happy emoticons as Soap smiles at him. A few minutes pass before Gaz and Soap switch off giving Gaz a break, Ghost can tell by the expression on Gaz's face that he isn't too impressed with the rookies, he makes some annoyed hand gestures as he rants to Shade who shakes his head in amusement. Ghost watches as Shade gets off the bench and picks up a water bottle from the ice chest just as Price enters the kitchen.

"Morning Simon"

"Morning Captain" Price pours himself a cup of coffee before stopping beside Ghost at the window to see what he was looking at.

"What do you think of Shade?" Ghost stays silent for a moment as he studies Shade's figure trying to pick him apart from afar.

"He's..strange" Ghost trails off his tone a bit more curious than he had wanted it to be.

"And insubordinate" He adds with a more level tone hoping it hid his mild curiosity but by the way Price lifts his cup to cover a laugh, the captain catches onto it.

"I'm curious to see what he is all capable of doing, It seems like he has a good head on his shoulders." Price replies sparing Ghost from having to explain further.

While Gaz is distracted with his rant Shade grabs a water bottle with one hand and some ice cubes with the other, when Gaz turns his back Shade quickly shoves the ice down Gaz's back. Gaz yelps standing up and shaking his shirt to get the ice to fall out. Shade's mask stays on (> ~ <) a silly emote as he laughs. Once the last chunk of ice slips out of his shirt Gaz darts to the ice chest pulling out two large handfuls of ice.

An evil expression comes across Gaz's face as he walks closer and closer to Shade whose mask changes to (! !). Shade raises his hands in surrender as he slowly backs away from Gaz before taking off running.

"He's going to fit right in" Price chuckles as he watches the two of them run around the training grounds occasionally slipping out of view of the window and appearing a few seconds later. The both of them watch as Gaz chases Shade for about twenty-five minutes before he stops, Gaz bends at his waist slightly as he pants trying to catch his breath.

Shade stops in front of him (? ?) appears on his mask with the slightest of head tilts. Ghost assumes Shade makes a comment on Gaz's stamina because he stands up and lands a playful punch to Shade's chest before quickly turning his hand to reveal a large ice chunk that he lets slide down the inside of Shade's hoodie. (! !) appears on Shade's mask as he lightly shoves Gaz and shakes his hoodie trying to get the ice out.

Masked Stranger (Male Oc x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now