Part 1 An Unfortunate Past

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Chapter 1

The elven princess rises from her slumber, the coolness of the wooden floor quickly rushing through her feet and dissipating throughout her body. The songs of the spring time birds soothe her, the sound enhanced by her highly attuned ears that elongate into a point. The crisp scent of the hillside meadow fills her lungs as it flows through the air on a warm yet refreshing breeze. A small gust of wind intertwines with her auburn hair that is pierced with a streak of white; she shivers as it sweeps past the nape of her neck that is normally shielded by her long curled locks. Her dress that hangs in rags upon her slender body, ruffles as the breeze swirls around her and completely captivates her senses.

She glides over to the vine draped balcony her delicate fingers grasp the railing as her emerald eyes gazing dreamily upon the beautiful landscape before her. An ivory smile spreads across her rosy cheeks that are dappled with freckles at the peacefulness and beauty of the nature that lies before her. The sun slowly lowers behind the grassy hillside casting hues of red and yellow light on the elvish land of Flanoria. She becomes glossy-eyed at the sight, a single tear escaping her eye streams down her warm cheek.

She senses a presence enter her space and can hear the soft breaths of the being. She quickly turns to face the half -human in a single swift motion. Tears brim her eyes at the sight of him, a reaction of the overwhelming joy she feels when he is near. However, she tries to hold them back because she is cross with him for disobeying the ruler of their land, who is her own father.

"Trayven," she pauses momentarily to flick away her tears despite her desperate effort to conceal them. "You know full well that my, His Majesty, King Sormen, does not allow me to leave the palace walls. You are not supposed to be out during the day either." Her attempt to be cross with him is futile and she knows it. Since childhood, he has always made her feel nothing but happiness and peace, the brightness of his friendship lighting up her lonely world.

"They will never catch me Sylvie, you should know that by now." Trayven replies slyly, a hint of jest in his tenor voice. He discards his leather coat on the bench near the entryway and steps into the fading light of day, its rays gleaming off of his tawny skin and reflecting in his eyes.

His voice sends instant flutters to her stomach and up her spine. She is taken aback, unsure what the feelings are that are stirring inside of her. She tries to brush off them off, not having the time to explore what is causing the sensation."Then why have you disobeyed our ruler yet again? I am going to be taking punishment for this deception." She shrugs past him moving back to the balcony, soaking in the last few rays of sunlight before she returns to darkness of her cell.

As she brushes by him, the back of her dress catches Trayven's eye, panic consuming him; the blood streaks on her back seem fresh, as if newly inflicted. "Who is going to punish you?" He waits for her answer, not even realizing he's holding his breath in anticipation.

"I have to go before the guards find me." Her voice is enveloped in terror and her face pale with fear. As she passes him to leave, he catches her hand, causing her body to jerk back slightly. He pulls her to himself, his hands grasping her shoulders tightly. 

"Please." He desperately seeks the answer to his question, his fingers lift her chin forcing her to look into his icy blue eyes. He stares deeply into hers, pleading Sylvonna to relinquish this burden and share her pain with him.

She lets out a sigh of defeat, knowing that it is time for him to know the truth. "The royal guards, they carry out my fa...Lord Sormen's order to give me twenty lashes weekly, but the last time you broke me free it lasted that entire night I returned." She forced herself out of his grip, turning away wrapping her arms around herself; remembering the horrific memories in the dungeon she calls her home. Tears rimmed her eyes, as she gazes out at the world she dreams about living freely in one day.

Trayven's eyes reveal the immeasurable pain he feels having been so negligent. How could he have not seen the signs before now? He missed all the hints she had given to him over the past few months and assumed them to be due to her sheltered lifestyle and missing the comforts of her home. However, she had never known that feeling. She was a prisoner in her own castle, in her own kingdom. Coming to this realization left him disheartened, he truly cared about this woman and was not there when she needed him most.

"The half human and the condemned elven princess, what a complicated friendship." She sighs exasperatedly. An empathetic look washes over Trayven's face as strides over to her and takes her hand in his, consuming her chilled skin in his warm touch. "Why? Why would your father punish you so? How long as this been going on?" Unsure of how he was unaware of this brutality until now.

"Why do you think? Look at me!" She holds up fistfuls of her auburn locks. "I look like a human. You know the cost of being part human. I transformed from a white haired, blue eyed, perfect Flanorian, to this. This change has cost me my life, and the life of my mother, may she rest in peace." She wipes a mournful tear from her eye.

"Well I may half-human but at least I am son of the apothecary so you are able to see the outside world now and then. The benefits of sleeping serum." He flashes a small smile, hoping it would brighten Sylvonna's spirits slightly.

"Trayven, I have to go back before anyone notices I am gone." She whispers her head hanging in painful defeat, knowing that she will never fully escape what her life has become. Trayven traps her in a warm embrace, hoping that she will not be harmed for his impetuous act, not knowing she has been suffering all along for his actions. Her arms timidly grasp his thin shirt that hangs loosely over his masculine torso. Her eyes close slowly, immersing herself in the moment and the warmth of his friendship.

At that very point in time, auburn consumes the last strand of white left in her hair. Sylvonna opens her eyes to find herself in a green aura of light, a power overwhelms her taking her by surprise. The light fades as quickly as it came, leaving Sylvonna breathless and uncertain of what just happened.

Her confusion breaks as her ear catches the sounds of someone approaching. Her head snaps towards the entrance, alerting Trayven that someone will be joining them. She moves closer to Trayven, seeking out his protection from the guards that no doubt will come through that entrance at any moment.

Trayven wraps a protective arm around her, whispering, "Don't worry, I'm right here." His head slowly turns towards to the entrance his eyes narrow in hate. "Show yourself, I am not afraid of the likes of you!" Trayven growls to the intruder who is now standing in the doorway, shadows concealing the identity.

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