Part 6 A Stranger Emerges

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Chapter 6

Sylvonna's eyes fly open to screeching growls ringing in her ears. Her heart races, and her breaths are heavy as she surveys her surroundings. Above her small flowering buds begin to open, trying to soak in the early morning rays. The sunlight glistens on the riverbed, sparkling like diamonds. Mist swirls on the ground, the sun's heat not having a chance to dissipate the morning dew.

Realizing that she is high above the earth safe in a tree bough she puts a relieved hand to her forehead as she realizes the horrific sound was all in her mind. Once the relief wears off she begins to feel the effects of the previous night wear on her head and arm. Her pain stricken temples cause her vision to blur and her ears to ring, overwhelming her senses. She is able to make out the shape of the satchel beside her and vigorously claws her way through its contents for the Locar leaves.

Her hand trembles in excitement as she finds the small pouch. She shoves a few into her mouth and a soothing wave floods her mind and washes away her headache. Her focus then shifts to her arm. Her fingers trace the ridges of the leaf encasing her arm and a smile plays about her lips as her thoughts drift to Trayven and his nurturing nature. Wait, Trayven. Panic overcomes her mind as she looks about for any sign of her companion. She lets out a heavy sigh of relief as she looks up at her snoring protector, sleeping soundly.

Her aquamarine eyes scan the earth below to find the riverbank free from predators. She unties herself and swiftly descends from bough to bough until her feet touch the soft earth, saturating her boots in dew.

A ray of light emanating from a nearby shrub catches her eye. She reaches her hand in and feels the rigid shaft of her weapon. A smirk crawls onto her face at her find. With weapon in hand Sylvonna decides to explore the forest despite the danger that dwells within.

Her lungs fill with the fresh air as she breathes in the delightful scent of nature. The sights of many strange plants in an array of colors fascinate her, luring her further into the woods. A small animal scurries past, its long coat of fur brushing her leg. Startled she loses her balance and trips over a tree root behind her. Wincing in pain she cradles her arm as it begins to throb from her fall, aggravating her previous wounds.

As she looks up, a deer like creature approaches her. His antlers come to many points indicating a powerful and mighty beast. A long curved horn protrudes from the center of his forehead. His coat is dark chestnut, pierced with a white streak that travels from his muzzle to his underside. A dark strip lines his back, his fur short there and grows longer, draping over his hooves and curls at his chest. He leans in to smell Sylvonna his muzzle nearly touching her nose.

She stares into the beast's big black eyes, her jaw ajar and eyes wide with wonder. "The Eloradag." She gasps in awe, tears of joy running down her cheeks at the sight of this legendary creature. Sylvonna reaches a hand and softly caresses his muzzle, cupping it in her palm. She rubs the bridge of his face with her fingers, feeling his soft coat beneath her touch.

As she gazes intently into his eyes she hears a faint yet deep whisper in her mind. Excelsador. Eyes wide in shock, she realizes it is the legendary creature before her speaking through her thoughts. Sylvonna. The beast confirms his knowledge of her, bowing his head slightly closing his eyes as if in greeting.

Sylvonna moves to stand, the Eloradag taking a few steps backwards to give her room, her height only reaching his shoulder. Excelsador bends his thick muscular leg, his head lowers so his muzzle brushes the earth, offering himself to Sylvonna and any of her needs. Mirroring Excelsador, she leans over, a grin spreading across her rosy cheeks.

The Flanorian Beast moves in front of her, his body blocking her path. Go ahead. The voice urges, his head motioning towards his back. A chill of excitement courses through her body as she mounts the legendary creature, an air of pride and confidence surrounding her. She sits erect feeling noble and important on the Eloradag, her lance piercing the air in her grip.

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