Part 4 The Long Goodbyes

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Chapter 4

Sylvonna is the first to awaken, her hand still in Trayven's. She is flustered at his touch hoping her unconscious self had not instigated this. She slips her hand free without disturbing him.

Before she has time to think she reaches a hand over the side of the bed to stroke his thick brown hair that is trimmed close to his head, a human hairstyle that makes him stand out amongst the long haired elves. Her eyes close dreamily as her fingers are tickled by the shortness of his hair and the warmth of his skin. If only she has the courage to tell him how he makes her feel. That could possibly ruin the friendship they have cultivated for many years. He is too important her to take that risk. She must hide her feelings no matter how hard.

She slowly places her feet on the floor, the coldness causing her to shiver. She wraps a blanket around her delicate shoulders to contain her warmth. She treads lightly to the kitchenette, searching for something to eat without waking the others.

She doubles over in pain as her temples begin to throb again. Her one hand clutches the counter to steady herself while the other tightly grips her head her thumb and middle finger pressing deeply into her temples. She tries to stifle a moan, but is unsuccessful.

Soclair moves as quickly as she can to help the ailing elf, the hand on her forehead indicates to Elder the source of the pain. She takes long strides with her cane to get to the drying herbs in as little time as possible. A few purple leaves break off a blue stem at Soclair's gentle touch. She takes them to Sylvonna and instructs her to chew on them, but not to swallow.

The leaves were bitter in taste, but at the first bite the pressure at the sides of her head soften, relief flows through her body, and her muscles relax from their former tense state.

"What are these?" She asks, the leaves forming a chewy substance in her mouth making it easier for her to resist the temptation to swallow them.

"They are leaves from the Locar bush, extremely poisonous when ingested, but relieves headaches in a pinch when chewed." Soclair beams with pride at her extensive knowledge of herbs and plants. Sylvonna is curious how someone was able to find out that the leaves were poisonous when ingested...must have had a former partner.

"You must be famished dear, let me get you something to eat." Soclair brushes past Sylvonna to get to pantries above her counter space. Sylvonna did not notice the cupboards last night, but now sees various baked goods and preserves stowed away as Soclair opens and closes one door after another. A small door remains open as Soclair reaches both hands in and pulls out a bowl of what appears to be little clumps of wool.

She sets the bowl on the table, Sylvonna follows her, lifts up the chair that was tipped over the previous evening, and takes a seat. Her nose wrinkles in distaste at the food before her. Soclair reaches in front of her and takes a piece, and pops it into her mouth.

"Try one. They are Freda Seeds, taste like bread crust, and are able to satisfy your hunger with just one." Sylvonna wearily takes one in her fingers, closing her eyes she pushes it past her lips. Her lids open in surprise at the remarkable flavor and how it dissipates with a mere touch to the tongue.

"Didn't I tell you?" Soclair smirks and nudges Sylvonna's shoulder in jest. She nods in agreement reaching for another one, her hunger not completely satisfied from the previous day. She easily slips the seed into her mouth the wonderful taste spreading across her tongue. In an instant she feels as though she wouldn't be able to eat again for a month. Soclair chuckles as the young elf leans back in her chair her hands clutching her stomach that is now overly full.

The elderly elf moves to wake up the half- human sleeping soundly on the floor, the conversation not disturbing him at all. Not being able to bend over like she used to, she uses her cane to prod him awake. "Trayven, wake up, we have much to do." She continues to jab him with her walking stick until he is conscious.

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