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Published: 04-20-24

Published: 04-20-24

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"OKAY GUYS" Nami said excitedly

"Since it's our first night all together we should all have a sleepover!!" She yelled

"OH MY GOSH YESSS and tomorrow I don't think any of us have classes so yes!! Let's do it" Yamato smiles

"I-I" koala stuttered

"I'm going to go to sleep" koala scratched her head

"What? Why?" Sabo asked and looked at her

"I'm just really tired" she yawned

"You literally slept the whole day" Sabo made a face

Before they decided to come here Sabo and Koala had gone to the movies. Koala fell asleep and lowkey left Sabo just watching the movie by himself.

"Are you now getting mad at me because I'm tired!?" Koala furrowed her brows

"Here we go" Ace rolled his eyes and earned a small hit from Yamato

The truth was Koala wasn't sleepy at all but she already had plans tonight...plans Sabo or nobody here knew about.

"No bro I'm just saying that you already slept a fucking ton!" Sabo argued

"Because im fucking.TIRED" Koala yelled

Sabo sighed and turned around "get out of here"

Koala rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs. When she reached her room we all heard the door slam shut as hard as she could.

The door ended up bouncing a bit from the impact and left the door a little bit open.

From the looks of it Koala and Sabo didn't really have the best relationship but who was I to speak on that?

"Anywaysssssssssss" Luffy rolled his eyes

"I get the couch" Luffy jumped on the bed

"No! I get the couch" Ace jumped on the couch too

"Wait where you going Sabo?" Ace asked as Sabo walked away

"I- I don't really feel like having the sleepover" he shrugged

"So goodnight" he shrugged and started heading up the stairs

When suddenly a pillow went flying to the back of his head making him almost fall

"Hahahaha" Ace and Luffy laughed while pointing at him

I let out a little snicker

"Motherfucker" Sabo mumbled and grabbed a pillow quick

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