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Published: 04-28-24

Published: 04-28-24

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"So who goes first? Nami asks

"The one who asks" Yamato smiled

"Whatttt hey that's not fiarrr" Nami furrowed here brows

"Is too"Yamato stuck her tongue out

"Fine" Nami rolled her eyes

I stared at the two bottles of Vodka on the table and beside it some shot glasses

"I'm winning easy ahh game" Ace smirked

"Hey shut up no you're not!! I'M winning" Luffy yelled

"Ladies I think I'm winning" Yamato rolled her eyes


There started a commotion when suddenly Ace slammed 20 dollars on the table

"I bet I'm winning" he smiled

Oh no...their betting now

"Pff" luffy put the same amount

Zoro rolled his eyes "you know what...fuck it" and he placed a 20 dollar on the table too

Everyone placed a 20 dollar except me. Everyone turned to look at me and I gulped.

"You know you don't have t-" Sabo was about to finish when I slammed a 20 dollar

Yamato made an "oop" sound

I mean it sounds easy right? And I'm pretty bold when I'm drunk. Besides since there is 7 of us I'm getting out of here with 140 dollars.

I love money.

Before we started Ace put a little speaker on and was blasting music but not so loud because we could still hear each other.

"Anyways" Nami picked up a card

The game was simple, it was exactly how it sounded. You took a card and read the dare out loud then you either did it or you took a shot. The game ended when someone completed 20 dares, but if you took more than 10 shots you are out. Which sounded easy but when Nami read the first card I knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

Everyone was in a little circle

Everyone was in a little circle

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