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Published: 06-01-24

Published: 06-01-24

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The next day I woke up with an extreme headache and dry ass mouth.

"Ughhh" I groaned

Why would I drink that much if I knew this was going to happen!? I stared at the time and it was 1 in the afternoon. My eyes widen I've never slept this much in my life. I usually wake up pretty early.

Thank goodness I didn't have classes today but to be honest if there was, I wouldn't even show up.

I stared at myself in the mirror and groaned. I took off the little makeup I had from yesterday and got my stuff ready to get in the shower.

I feel so disgusting since I couldn't manage to take a shower yesterday. I got my stuff and secretly got out of the bathroom. I did not want to face anyone after what happened last night. I usually get drunk and then the next day get embarrassed from my actions.

I got out my room and that's when I noticed Koala's door was shut this time and I raised a brow. I have a lot of questions about her.

I walked to the upstairs bathroom and opened the door. I got in and took my shower and everything. I had noticed that everyone was already starting to put their shampoos and everything in the shower and I groaned. I wish I could go back to having a private space and area.

I got out of the shower and that's when I gasped. I forgot my clothes, but it was okay I brought my pink robe.

I opened the bathroom door and passing right in front of me was Sabo. My face turned red from me basically being naked under the robe and from everything that happened yesterday.

Sabo felt his stomach drop. He couldn't face her after yesterday she made him so nervous. Sabo cleared his throat and knew he had to say something because she wasn't.

"You're awake! How are you feeling" he asked

I gulped, did he forget about everything!? Or is he just acting like nothing happened?

"Uhm well my head is killing and all I want to do is bed rot" I smiled awkwardly

He let out a little laugh "yeah you did drink a lot"

I looked down "...so who ended up winning?"

"Eh after you left everyone lowkey got really sleepy too so we decided to go to sleep" he shrugged

"Oh" I said

"...Well excuse me" I said and walked off

I hurried into my room and sighed "ugh finally alone again"

I changed into my pj's and plopped down into my bed again but then I felt my stomach growl.

"Ughhh stupid stomach" I groaned

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