~ The Hidden Kingdom: Chapter Six ~

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"The alternate dragonets of destiny," Morrowseer growled.

There were four unfamiliar, unfriendly faces looking at them. Hare swallowed nervously. There was an emerald-green SeaWing, a dark MudWing, a pale-gold SandWing, and a red SkyWing. As soon as he saw her, the SkyWing snarled at her. Hare blinked. If this wasn't unfriendly, she wasn't sure what was.

"Guys, these are my friends," Fatespeaker said to Hare and Starflight.

"We are not friends," the SandWing hissed. "I'd much rather be thumped on my head by a rock than be friends with you."

Fatespeaker waved her talon dismissively. "She's just joking. That's Viper. The SeaWing is Squid, the MudWing is Ochre, and the grumpy SkyWing over there is Flame." She lowered her voice as she added, "I advise not talking to him. Lately he's been all bite, no bark. He's really mean."

"Who are they?" Squid asked. "That one looks like her. Will he be as annoying as her?" He tilted his head toward Fatespeaker. Hare felt a stab of pity. These dragons were nothing like the other dragonets of destiny.

"This is Starflight," Fatespeaker said excitedly, paying no mind to Squid's comment. "He's very smart. And that's Hare, she's a princess."

"A princess?" Squid scrunched up his nose. "Princess of what?"

"The SandWings and IceWings," Flame growled, narrowing his eyes to tiny slits at her. "This is the daughter of Burn."

Viper flicked her poisonous tail. "Princess, shmimcess. She has no importance to us."

Morrowseer bared his teeth and swung his head down to the dragonet. "She will, so I advise watching your tongue."

Hare turned to him. "How?" she cried, hating the whiney tone in her voice. "Nobody's telling me why I'm here! Why can't someone just tell me?"

"You'll find out soon," Morrowseer said simply.

Hare snarled. "You-"

Starflight quickly slapped his talon over her mouth. "Stop it," he growled in her ear. "We're not going to get anywhere if you keep picking fights."

Hare nearly turned and slapped him over the head. This was so aggravating. Why couldn't anyone tell her why she was here?

"So you sent Deathbringer after all of us," Starflight said, looking around. "Except for Hare."

"His primary target was the RainWing," Morrowseer replied. "She's the only one with a promising replacement."

Hare glanced at Flame, who slumped down sleepily. Hare couldn't help but feel bad. He was hostile, but he seemed exhausted.

I advise not feeling too bad for him.

Hare jumped, startling Starflight and Fatespeaker. Morrowseer even eyed her curiously before turning his attention away from her. Oasis had been so quiet that Hare had nearly completely forgotten about her.

And why not? Look at the poor thing, he's miserable!

You'll see why.

Hare let out a frustrated growl. All I want is answers! Is everybody just going to keep me in the dark?

"So we might all be replaced?" Viper asked. "Wonderful."

"How are we going to know who stays and who goes?" Ochre asked.

"If you want to be part of this, what I need to see from all of you," Morrowseer growled, "is that you can take orders, work together, and do as you're told."

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