~ The Hidden Kingdom: Chapter Seven ~

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"Swipe right. That's left, you idiot!"

Hare opened her eyes and blinked slowly. A dark rainforest surrounded her. She groaned. She was back in the Place of Lost Souls.

As if the volcano wasn't bad enough!

Hare pushed herself up to her talons. She clamped her jaws together to keep her teeth from chattering.

Ever since Oasis had connected herself to Hare, this place had grown more cold than it was before. It used to be just an unsettling chill, but being connected to a dragon from the Place of the Found made this place even more dreadful. Hare knew her grandmother was connected to her to keep her safe, but she didn't appreciate the effect it had on her here.

You have a task tonight, Hare.

What do you mean?

Look around this area. Does it look like anything you've seen here before?

Hare scanned her surroundings. There were less trees and plants around here. The only bit of undergrowth was the dead plants that Hare was laying in. The ground was littered with blood stains and loose bones. It looked like a large clearing with several small hollows. She could see quick movements in some of the hollows off in the distance. One of the closer ones had two dragons moving so furiously in it Hare thought she was about to see someone get their throat slit open in a matter of seconds.

What is this?

These are training hollows. This is where they take trainees to prepare.

Prepare for what?

We're not entirely sure yet.

Hare felt a flare of frustration. What do you mean you don't know? I thought you said you knew everything!

Oasis hesitated. Well... the future is a bit hazy sometimes. Right now there's something blocking our view of what's to come.

What do you mean?

We're not sure. Dragons who have been around longer say the only times things like this happen are when something unpredicted happens.

Like the future changes from what you originally thought?

So they say.

Hare felt a little dizzy. What did that mean?

You need to focus, Hare. You have a job to do. Go to that nearby hollow.


You'll see.

Hare sighed in annoyance. She moved slower than she would have liked as she trekked over to the hollow. She stayed as quiet as she could, keeping low. It was harder to get around here because of the lack of hiding spots. For a rainforest, this area was awfully empty.

It's not just a rainforest, Hare.


There's different areas. This place is much like your own continent. The reason you keep only coming here is because of this very area.

Hare crept closer to the hollow. She could make out the features of two SkyWings battling. It didn't look anything like the battle training that happened back under the mountain. Everything was so real, like they were really fighting. She crept up to the edge. To her relief, there was a rock posted close to her. She made her way up the side of the rock and peered over the edge. One of the SkyWings was suddenly flung against it. She forced herself not to yelp and ducked down. The dragon slid down the side and slumped back into the hollow weakly. Hare felt ill.

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