~ The Hidden Kingdom: Chapter Sixteen ~

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Hare's wings beat the air hard. Glory, Fatespeaker, Starflight, Mastermind, and Greatness were all with her. When they arrived at the tunnel, it looked like the whole NightWing tribe had gathered on the beach below. She even spotted Courage, Moonflight, and Spinningmind.

Hare flew in a wide circle, then landed on a boulder. She pounded her wings against the air to get everyone's attention.

"Listen up!" she cried. "There's a way for you to escape safely. There is still hope for you. You have been granted permission to live in the rainforest, but you must accept Glory as your queen."

Cries of disbelief erupted from the crowd.

"A tribe led by a dragon of another tribe?" someone cried. "That's ridiculous!"

"It'll never work!" another voice yelled, who Hare recognized as Truthspeaker.

"It'll work better than living under Queen Battlewinner's leadership will," Starflight said, landing beside her. "Your old queen is dead. Your only option is to agree to having Glory as your queen."

Shocked silence fell over the tribe. Hare spotted Mastermind, hopping agitatedly from one foot to the other, with his arms full of scrolls. And finally she saw Morrowseer at the back, glowering at them. She met his gaze with a calm expression that she knew would leave no room for argument.

"But Greatness ..." one of the NightWings said half-heartedly.

"I've already agreed to this plan," Greatness called. "It is the only way for our tribe to survive."

"You'll be safe in the rainforest," Hare called. "Glory will take care of you. You'll have plenty of food and water, and you'll be able to sleep without smoke filling your noses. You won't have heat constantly pressing into your scales. You'll be free from this hellscape, the rainforest will be paradise compared to here. It's just one simple condition, isn't it worth it?"

The smoke had gotten so dense that it was getting hard to see the dragons in front of him. Fine gray ash coated all their scales and made the sand slick beneath their claws.

The volcano rumbled ominously.

"I'll do it," Mightyclaws said from the front of the crowd. "It has to be better than this."

"I will, too," Courage said. "I trust Hare, she's never given me a reason not to. If she believes this will work, then so do I."

Hare smiled at her friend. Looks like we won't be parting ways. Thank you, stars.

"All hail Queen Glory!" Fatespeaker cried, swooping toward the tunnel.

"All hail Queen Glory!" One after another, the NightWings took off toward the tunnel.

"We'd better hurry," Clay said, glancing up at the mountain, which was spitting bright orange sparks into the sky. "Come on, quickly," he called to the approaching NightWings, holding out his talons.

Mightyclaws was the first to land on the ledge. "Queen Glory!" he cried, charging past them down the tunnel.

Greatness was next, moving just as fast. She paused briefly and looked back at the volcano. "Wonder would be so happy if she could see this," she said quietly. "She'd think it was the most brilliant idea ever. I wish she was here."

Hare smiled at her. "I think she's more proud than you could ever imagine."

Greatness grinned at her, though her gaze betrayed confusion, then took off into the hole.

I hate to admit it, but Battlewinner was right about one thing. Greatness wouldn't make a good queen at all. She prioritizes herself instead of her tribe.

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