~ The Hidden Kingdom: Epilogue ~

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The SeaWing looked through the bars of his prison. Such a foolish mistake, getting caught in the middle of the ocean. And his infamous past certainly didn't help.

Webs sighed and turned his back to the bars. He was underwater, in the Deep Sea Palace. It was the only place any SeaWing could be after the destruction of the Summer Palace. Queen Coral was still yet to find the dragon responsible. A SkyWing, she had said, searching for the dragonets for unknown reasons.

Nobody knew where the dragonets had gone after they escaped, or the SeaWing who had betrayed the queen in order to help them.

Bright light brought Webs's attention back to the bars of his cell. The oldest daughter of Queen Coral hovered there, glaring at Webs.

Good, you're awake, she flashed. That spares me the trouble.

Webs sat up and blinked in confusion. What do you want?



The hybrid princess, Orca replied. You stated during your interrogation that you're one of the dragons who raised the dragonets of destiny, which means you raised the princess, too. Did you ever noticed anything unusual about her?

Webs scratched his snout. Other than the obvious of her being a hybrid, no. Why?

That's none of your concern, Orca snapped. Has she ever had any odd connections?

Why is it any of your business? Webs demanded. What's so special about Hare?

Oh, plenty, Orca cooed. Which is why I'm here. Now, answer me.

No, Webs snapped. Now tell me why you want to know so badly.

Orca smiled slyly. Because everything is about to change, and Hare's the one who decides how it'll go.

The SeaWing princess swam away without any further conversation. Webs watched her go, feeling a little dizzy. What was going on with Hare that he didn't know about, and how long had it been going on for?

The even bigger question was, did Hare even know?

Webs slammed his fist against the prison bars. He had to get to Hare, he had to find the dragonets. There must be someone who knew where they were or had some kind of hint. If he could find the traitor guard, maybe she'd know. The first step was; he had to get free.

Webs poked his talon through the bars and tried fiddling with the keyhole. To his dismay, it didn't work. He pulled away and looked around. There had to be a way out, and he'd find it. He'd get to the dragonets and make sure they were okay, and he'd warn Hare and ask her questions about this. He had to, for the sake of Pyrrhia.

Don't worry, Hare. I'm coming.

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