Cht 1. Changes.

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Hey loves, please enjoy. I love using my imagination for this. Ahhhh ok time to write.



I never really understood life. Since I was born, my parents have always fought. Never paying attention to me. I guess it's ok because I never really cared much to be around them.

Growing up, I had to figure things out myself. Whenever my parents would fight or get drunk, I would leave to the forest. I had made myself a place to stay. My parents never really cared much about noticing when I was gone or around.

I had always loved nature. I was a nature freak. But the one thing I loved most was wolves. They were my favorite animal. The way the howl, look, and just the way they were. If I died and came back as an animal, I would definitely be a wolf.

As I climb up the tree to get into my tree house. I began to make myself comfortable. I knew I would probably sleep here anyway I normally did.

As the full moon came into view, I couldn't help but admire the beauty. Her natural glow. I got up grabbing a book from the shelf. I started reading.

I sigh. Folding my book on my chest, I look at the moon. I stared for a while. It was like if i was in a trance.

After some time, I pass out. Sleeping peacefully under the moon in my tree house. I wake up hearing a howl near. It didn't really bother me. Cause I admired them.

I sigh. Leaving my tree house. Climbing down the tree. I touch the ground. My bare feet touched the grass. I began to walk back to the house, hoping my parents were sleeping.

When I get to the house, I climb in through my window. If you're wondering why I don't have a phone to call and leave. Can't my parents think they were a waste of time.

I'm about to change into my pj's. Before I could, my mother burst through the door. I look up. My heart was beating faster than ever she scared the shit out of me. Felt like, at this point, I couldn't breathe.

"Astella honey, pack your shit. Were leaving your father is a piece of shit and I can't take him anymore." She says before closing the door.

Welp, I guess this is it. My parents finally decided to get a divorce after all these years.

Grabbing a bag and suitcase, I began to pack. After packing my clothes and special stuff I got from friends. I leave through my window. Running through the forest, my hair flowed with the wind.

I had taken a bag with me so I could get the rest of my stuff. Climbing the tree, I enter the tree house. I began to grab all my books and blankets, packing the rest of my stuff.

I exit the tree house, climbing down and giving my childhood tree house one last look. Before running back to the house.

I climb back in the window, grabbing my stuff. Before leaving the room.

I head downstairs. Where mom and Dad were fighting again. I ignore them headed out of the house. I walk to the car, putting my stuff inside.

Mom came out of the house headed to the car. When she froze from dad, throwing a beer can, which almost hits her head.

"You stupied fucking bitch get your ass back in this house." Dad shouted.

"Astell get in the car now. Fuck you asshole go cheat on me with some other bitch I hope you choke on you're own dick." Mom shouted. Before getting into the car. Driving away.

After a while of silence, mom finally spoke.

"Astella honey. Listen, I know we were never close. I get it. You might hate me, and I could understand why." She sighs.

"Astella, where do you wanna go for dinner?" She spoke in a soft tone.

"Uh, I don't know." I say softly. Looking out the window.

I hear mom sigh. "Astella honey, I'm sorry I was never there for you. I really am. I'll be here for you now. The past is in the past." She says in a gentle tone.

Mom pulls into Sonic. "What do you want, honey?"

"I guess just get me some nuggets, small fries, and a medium big red." I say softly.

"Ok honey." After ordering the food and getting it. Mom pulls out. We began eating and chilling. Mom then pulls into a hotel.

Getting a hotel room. Mom and I go inside. Placing the bags down. Mom and I changed into our pj's.

We both lay down in our beds. Falling asleep.


Hey loves, I hope you enjoyed it. Time to write part two :>

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