Cht. 4. Forest fire.

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This week might take a while cause I have school. But I'll at least work through it for you guys.



I woke up. Actually, I need to get another good night rest.

I stretch getting up. I go through my clothes pulling out. A cute crop top with black sweats. I walk into the bathroom, going to take a shower.

Once I finish, I dry off. I put my clothes on and brushed my hair, heading back to my room. I began to unpack everything and put things together.

Once I'm finished, I go downstairs. Oh, right, mom left to go find a job. I walk to the fridge, grab some kiwi, and I eat some kiwi. Before leaving.

I walk around looking at the forrest. I put out a trail of pebbles to find my way back.

As I walked around, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of nature. I continue my walk until coming across a pond.

I smile. This was definitely gonna be a good spot for a new tree house.

I walk back to the house. Walking inside, I started to get hungry, so I ended up making some nachos.

When I got done eating , I noticed a really weird fog set it.

I walk outside, smelling the air. For a second, I though some one was physically burning something, but that was until I saw some helicopters flying towards the back of our home.

I head my way through the forest after what seemed like forever. I got to the location. It was a massive forest fire.

I heard a wolf howl. I began to follow the howl.

When I got close, the howling came to a stop. And before I knew it, the mother wolf had died.

Her two pups were nudging her, trying to wake up. Unable to. The pups began whining.

The mothers fur was a smokey grey wolf with blue eyes.

One of the wolf pups looked exactly like its mother. While the other was a full black.

I crotched near the mother wolf's body and gently picking her up. Moving her away from the fire.

The pups ended up following. I sit her body on the ground and gently close her eyes.

The pups had no one to watch them. I felt bad to leave them here alone. I didn't know what to do. The only thing I could think of was taking them in myself.

I picked up both pups and began to walk home. Once I got home, I gently sat them down. I look through the freezer, finding some raw meat. I put it out, sitting it in cold water, letting it thaw.

I took the pups upstairs to my room. I began playing with them. The pups ended up working with it. When they got tired, they fell asleep on my bed.

I heard the door open and close. I ran down the stairs. Finding mom.

"Heg honey, did you see that fire? It's horrible. Btw I won't be getting the tv or couch for the next two days."

"Yeah, I saw. That's fine. I don't mind. Hey, mom. So I kinda went to check out the fire." I say softly, slowly walking towards her.

"And well," I start. "And well, what you didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No, mom, I'm fine. I found a mother wolf dead."

"Oh." She looks down with a sad face.

"She died with her two pups alive."

Mom looks up at me. "You didn't leave them out there to die, did you?"

"No, mom, I would never. I took them with me. There are upstairs on my bed sleeping."

"For a second, you scared me. So I guess I should get them some stuff?"

I nod.

I grab mom's hand, gently taking her upstairs to my room. Mom opens my door and smiles at the two pups curled up, sleeping.

"What are you gonna name them?"

"The black one is gonna be Hades. And the grey one will be lucifer."

"That's perfect it fits them."

"Alright, I guess I should head out to get the items for your new pups."

"Mk love you, mom."

"Love you to honey."


Sorry, I know it's short, but it's still great. The pups are about 9 weeks old, btw. :> onwards to chapter 5.

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