Cht. 6. The stranger.

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Hey guys, so our journey begins here. Who is this mystery, man? Ok, I got a story to Wright. :>



Waking up to whining and scratching on the door. I walk to the door, picking up the pups. I run downstairs going through the door to let the pups out. Mom was outside gardening.

"Morning honey, did you sleep well?"

I smile. "Thanks for letting me sleep in a bit."

"Of course you looked like you needed it." Mom says while putting down her tools and taking her gloved off.

"Hey, so I'm making tacos for dinner. Wanna come with me to the store?"

"Yeah, sure, lemme just put the pups inside." Mom stands up, walking inside with me. As I walk inside, I grab an apple to munch on for now. Mom grabs her keys.

Mom and I leave the house, making sure the pups had water. Mom and I got into the car before making our way to the store.

Thunder crackled through the air.

As it was started pouring again. Mom drove carefully.

When we finally got to the store. Mom pulls into a parking spot. We waited for the rain to calm. Once the rain calmed a bit more. Now lightly raining. We both head into the store.

"Alright, ima, get some stuff for the house. If you want anything, go get it."

"Ok, mom."

"Stay safe, honey."

"I will mom I always am."

We go pur separate ways. As I walk around. I need up finding a little bit of stuff. I wanted. Before turning down and the next aile not paying attention.

Counting everything I have. I bump into something hard. I look up to see a muscular man in a suit. Holy fucking shit balls this man is gorgeous.

His jaw line was perfect. He wore black pants, a black button-up shirt. His two buttons at the top were undone. Showing his sexy chest.

His tattoo peeked out. His dark brown eyes stared into mine, and he felt like he was trying to take my sould. His black hair was messy short and slick back. He had a bit of facial hair. But man, his hands were veiny

Mercy ima die. He was like at least 6'2. He tilts his head to the side. "Excuse me? Did you hear me?" His voice was deep.

I felt my body go weak. Oh hell nah what the fuck is happening. "O-oh um, sorry." I say softly. Swallowing hard.

"I asked if you were ok." His voice was deep and sent shivers down my spine.

I lower my head. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I say softly. What the hell is wrong with me when I stutter. Why am I being shy. Ugghhhh, why is he so sexy.

I see his veiny hand come into view. Woah, what is he doing. He puts his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. I could feel my cheeks blushing.

My knees started going weak. Oh hell, nah, I need to get out of here

"Uh- i- I gotta go." I say, trying to sound strong, but my voice betrayed me. I ran away running out of that area. When I find mom, she's in checkout.

"You seem flustered. Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, um, I was running to catch up to you, that's all."

"Oh, ok." Mom grabs my stuff. "Oo~ honey look it looks like you got yourself a hottie." Mom says, pointing to the man from earlier. "He can't seem to take his eyes off of you."

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