Cht. 5. Something new.

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Hey guys. I have school this week. Don't worry, I'll push through and finish a tone of chapters for yall. Love yall. I'll keep yall updated. If yall need anything comment, lmk I'll help ya.



When I woke up. Both wolf pups needed to use the bathroom. So I picked both of them up, taking them outside. I gently set them on the ground.

I walked around the house to see if mom was still here or if she left. She had left. The wolf pups then follow me back into the house.

The pups had begun playing. When I walked into the kitchen to look around. I had pulled out some raw meat to feed the pups.

Setting out two bowls. Filling each with raw meats that mom had bought last night for them. I had then gently put both of their food bowls down.

I then get up to go to the fridge to grab something small to eat.

Pulling out some strawberries, I wash them. I sit on the counter before eating the strawberries.

Mom then came home smiling.

I smile. "What are you so smily about over there?"

"I may or may not have met someone."

I give mom the look. I raised my eye brow.

My laughs. "Stop giving me that look. Ok, he's not what you think he is."

"He's not like dad. Is that what you're saying?"

"Yeah, honey, he's nothing like that drunk peice of shit."

"Ok, mom, I get it." I giggled.

Mom bends down and pets the pups. "Did you take them to use the restroom? Did they get fed?"

"Yes, mom, I took them out this morning. And yes, they just ate."

"Ok, just making sure."

Mom walks towards me, grabbing some strawberries."So, who's this mystery man?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"You'll get to meet him, I promise. Oh, btw I got the job. Where I work is where I found him."

"Oooo~ mama's in love~."

"You're such a dork."

"I know."

Mom and I continue to eat some strawberries.

Before I know it, the doorbell rings.
"Oh, he's here." Mom runs to the door. "Oh honey, could you maybe." She looks down at my pj's.

"Yes, mom, I get the hint I will." I say while jumping off the counter. Running upstairs to my room, the pups are following me.

I changed into a long white t-shirt. With black Jean shorts. I tuck the shirt a little into my shorts. I brush my hair out. I hurry up, heading downstairs.

Once I get to the bottom. I stop in my tracks. Slowly approach mom. A massive frame was in front of her. All I could see was the back.

The wolf pups come down the stairs. Playing and tackling each other. "Hey, so Anthony, this is my daughter Astella. Astella, this is Anthony."

The man turns around, and um Ok I thought he would be old as hell. Hell, nah. Manz had a muscular body and everything.

"Hello Astella, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." His voice sounded rough.

"Same here." I say softly.

"Hey mom ima take the pups outside to play for a bit."

"Ok honey, please be safe."

"Woah, hold on. Where did you find those?" His voice was loud.

"Um, I saved them from a fire the mother died. So I took them in."

He hummed. "Do you know what they are?"

What's with the questions dude get back to smooching my mother.

"Yeah, wolf pups?"

"Mhm." He turns back to my mom. "Your daughter is very beautiful."

"Thank you." My mom says while blushing. I gag.

"Ew, get a room, you two."

They both laugh. Taking the pups outside. I started going for a run to get the pups active.

As I ran through the forest. I began to start thundering. Welp time to head home. As I began to head home. I was melted with a red wolf. She just stared at me.

"Hey there, it's ok. I won't hurt you." I say softly. She began to growl when the pups came out from behind me, growling at the she wolf.

The female wolf stopped growling when she saw the pups growling towards her.

She slowly backs away before running into the forest. She stops before turning to look at me. She began to howl before running off.

As soon as I get back home. Anothoy ran out of the house. "Hey, kiddo, I gotta go. I'll see you another time." He says before getting into his car and driving away.

He rolls down his window. "You should get inside a storm is headed this way."

I picked both of the pups up to take them inside. Anothoy had driven off. Walking inside, I see mom making lunch. "Hey honey,"

"Hey, mom,"

"How was the run?"

"It was awesome. I met a wolf on my way home."

"I heard. Did you get hurt?"

"Nah, the pups chased her off."

"Ok honey, that's good."

"So what do you think about mister buff man mom?"

"You mean Anothoy, and yes, I like him."

"You don't just like him. You love him." I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

She laughs. "Feed the pups hun."

"Ok, mom. After I eat lunch ima go and read upstairs. Will you be ok alone?"

"Yeah, honey, I'll just unpack."

"Ok, sounds good to me."

While mom is cooking lunch. I give the pups some food in their bowls, putting it on the ground.

When mom finished. I sit on the counter. Mom makes us both a plate of fish and fries. Mom comes and sits next to me. We began to eat.

"So would you like to start school?" Mom says while shoving fries in her mouth.

"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll probably just find a job somewhere. I mean, I'm about to be 18, so."

"Yeah, true."

Once mom and I finish. Mom washes her plate before heading upstairs she gives my head a kiss. "Love you hun."

"Love you to mom." She heads upstairs. I clean the dishes, dry them, and I put them away. Once I get finished, I head upstairs the pups follow.

When I enter my room, I let the pups in. Picking up the pups, I gently place them on the bed. I grab a book lay under my covers and start to read. The pups curled up and began to fall asleep. Before I knew it, I passed out.


So what do we think about Anthony. Mama's new lover?

It's raining our school power just shut off. Yasssssss.

Onwards to chapter 6 ö

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