Part 12

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Once they were ready, Dom led Severus out into the garden. He held his mate's hand and apparated them away. Then, it was repaired in a forest. Severus groaned, and Dom looked over at him.

"I always hated the side along apparition," He said, and Dom chuckled.

He held out his arm to Severus, who took it. Dom started leading Severus through the forest, and he looked around.

"Where are we?" Severus asked, and Dom looked over at him.

"The black forest," Dom said, and Severus looked back at him with wide eyes.

"The black forest?" He asked, and Dom nodded.

"Why?" Severus asked, his face curious.

"There is a lot of beauty in the black forest, but no one ever tries to find it; they only see the dark. One day last year, Ron and Hermione were unbearable. I took a walk and went into the forest. I walked for hours before I came across someone; they were injured, and I helped them. Sent them on their way, came back after that a few times to check on them, and eventually, they took me to the most beautiful place I have ever seen," Dom told him, leading Severus over logs and around fallen trees.

"What place?" Severus asked, his voice sounding impatient and excited.

Dom looked at him and smirked as he let go of Severus's hand and moved to a curtain of black rotting vines. He moved them and Severus gasped. Dom went inside and held the curtain open for him.

Severus looked at him hesitantly and took a few steps closer. When he got inside the curtain, Dom dropped it.

In front of them was a flower field filled with many different kinds of flowers with different colors. There were little lights floating above the flowers. One of the lights paused and flew closer, turning into a fairy girl.

"Young human, you have returned," she said, fluttering in a circle in front of them. She looked at Severus and seemed to glow brighter. You have brought your mate," she said, clasping her tiny hands in front of her.

Other fairies heard her and came over and started to fly around Severus, making comments that made him blush.

"The queen will be so happy," the first one said before flying away, and the others followed her.

"You saved a fairy?" Severus whispered as he watched the fairies fly.

"Yup, the fairy queen. I was welcomed here as an honorary member of the herd for saving their queen," Dom said, smiling at him. "I was also given permission to bring my mate here," he told him as a bright light came toward them.

The light faded and before then was a golden fairy with almost transparent wings. "My friend, it is a pleasure to see you. And I am also delighted to see you have found your mate," She said in an airy voice that reminded Severus of Luna.


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Word count: 473

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 11 am

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