Part 7

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Hogwarts two days later

A wrinkly old wizard in horrible-colored dress robes paced back and forth in a room with four other people facing him.

"What's the plan for the next school year, Professor?" asks Hermoine from where she stands between the two youngest Weasleys, Ginny and Ronald.

"Ginny, you have to give him a new love potion, stronger this time," the old man said, and the redheaded girl nodded.

"Ronald and Hermoine, DO NOT let him out of your sight this year. It is time to renew the bonds and potions," he said to the other two children before turning to Molly Weasley.

"Molly, his birthday is in two weeks. He normally comes to the borrow, yes?" he asked and received a nod in approval. "Good start feeding him this year's potion from then; that way, they will take effect by the time the school year begins," he finished.

"Yes, Albus," came the reply from the oldest Weasley female.

The older Wizard nodded with a twinkle in his eyes before dismissing the group who used the floo to go back to the borrow.

Back at the Manor at lunch.

Dominic sat at the table eating lunch with his mate and family, and he could feel the nervous energy and stress in the air. With a heavy sigh, he put down the apple he was eating.

"What is it?" He asked no one in particular.

"What is what?" Draco asked.

"I can smell the nervousness in the air. So spit it out," Dominic said.

"Well, it's just that two weeks from now it is our seventeenth birthday," Draco said, the excitement being clear in his voice.

"Yes, What about it?" Dominic asked.

"Well, we're having a ball for yours and Draco's birthday; we normally have it for only Draco because you weren't here, but now you are," His mother said this time.

"No, you are having a ball for Draco. I will not be attending," Came Dominic's stern reply. He couldn't help but think of his past birthdays when he was beaten and locked in a closet just because he was born.

"Why not?" Lucius asked curiously.

"I will be spending my birthday with my father," Dominic said simply.

"But dad is going to the ball," Draco replied, also confused now.

"No, I have another father; he adopted me when I was twelve," Dominic said, picking up his apple again.

"Who is he? Do we know him?" Severus asked, from where he sat at the right of Dominic.

"Oh, you are all very familiar with him. You'll meet him the day after the ball. He visits every birthday," Dominic said, turning his attention back to his meal, indicating that the conversation was over.

Everyone at the table looked at each other, wondering who this man who adopted Dominic could be.


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Word count: 447

Published: April 26, 2024, 8:30m

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