Part 18

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Day 2

Severus was standing at the kitchen counter making lunch while Dom was taking a nap after their last session. He decided to make roast beef stew. He was cutting the last carrot to put in the pot when he felt hands sneak around his waist and into his pants.

Severus moaned and leaned back into the firm chest behind him. "D...Dom," He stuttered out, placing the knife and carrot down on the counter and gripping the hands in his pants. One was stroking his already hard cock, and one was on his balls.

"Dom, I...I'm trying to make us lunch," He said, his hands slowed and teeth nipping his earlobe.

"Then do it," Dom said and Severus groaned, he shakily picked up the knife and cut the last piece of carrot before putting it in the pot. He threw the knife in the sink and turned to Dom, leaned down, and kissed him hard.

The hands were now on his ass and squeezing them. His hips bucked, and he ground against his mates. Dom pulled his hands out of Severus's pants and pushed them down on his hips.

He turned Severus around and bent him over the counter. He wordlessly conjured up some lube and coated his cock in it.

He used one hand to separate Severus's cheeks and the other to line himself up. He slowly pushed, and Severus groaned at the slight pain of not being prepared.

Dom bottomed out and ran a hand up to his back and into his hair. He gripped Severus's long hair and used it to pull his head back as he started to fuck him, making Severus scream loud.

Severus started to meet his thrust and moaned loudly. He felt heat start to pool in his stomach and reached between him and the counter to jerk himself off. He came feeling it hit the side of his leg and run down into his pants.

A few seconds later, Dom came inside him, thrusting hard. He pulled Severus's head back and kissed him roughly.

"What are you making?" Dom asked, panting slightly. Severus looked at him over his shoulder and huffed. Dom pulled out and fixed his pants, then cast a cleaning spell on Severus before doing the same to him.


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Word count: 369

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 2 pm

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