Part 22

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Dom and Severus appeared in the living room of Riddle Manor just after dinner. The others were still in the dining room and rushed out as they heard them apparate in.

Draco rushed up to Dominic and hugged him tightly. He lifted Dom off his feet and spun him around. Dom chuckled and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Draco," Dom said when Draco finally let him go.

Draco stepped back and sniffed. "You smell different," He said, sniffing him again.

He looked at Dom and gasped, "You guys mated!" He exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Yes, we did," Dom said, and Draco hugged him again, drawing Severus in with them.

"Congrats," Tom said, coming over and hugging his Godson and patting his friend on the back.

Lucius came over next, hugging his son. "I'm happy for you; you deserve all the happiness in the world," Lucius said, smiling happily.

"How could you?!" A voice came from behind the group, and they turned to look at Narcissa.

"You mated with him and you didn't ask for my permission, I am his mother." She snapped, and they looked at her surprised.

"Narci, calm down," Lucius said, moving closer to her.

"Don't tell me to calm down, he may be his mate, Lucius but how do we know he's good enough for my baby?" She snapped, and Lucius stepped back cautiously.

"Narcissa, I know I'm not the best person out there; I have done a lot of things that I'm not proud of in the past. And I know there are better people, that Dom deserves more than me, but I love him. And I wouldn't give him up for anything; I love him, and I would take on anyone for him," Severus said with determination in his voice.

"Good," Narcissa said, smiling, and everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Oh, Severus," Narcissa said, laughing a little. "I know you're a good person. I trust you to take care of him. I just wanted to hear you say it," She said, coming over to hug them both.

"Ma, don't scare me like that!" Dom exclaimed.

"Now that's all settled; let's go get some sleep for tomorrow," Tom said, herding them out of the room. They all separated and went to bed.


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Word count: 363

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 4 pm

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