Part 16

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A/N The next few chapters are smut, smut, and more smut for the whole week. Hehe

Day one

Severus woke up the next morning wrapped around Dom. He untangled himself from his mate, made his way to the bathroom, and showered. Then he went downstairs to the kitchen.

He started to gather ingredients to make breakfast. He was in the middle of mixing batter when he felt a hand run down his back. He turned around and looked down at Dom.

"I didn't know you could cook," Dom said, looking down at the batter.

"I'm a potions master, of course; I can cook," Severus sniffed playfully, and Dom chuckled.

He finished making breakfast, and they ate in silence. The tension in the air was thick with what lay ahead.

Severus took glances at Dom throughout breakfast. He finished and looked up to see Dom looking at him. He stood up, took their plates, and moved to the sink. He started to wash them, and there was a chuckle behind him before the plate flew out of his hand and started cleaning itself.

An arm took him and spun him around. Lips connected to his and Dom's body pressed up against his. Severus wrapped his arm around Dominic's waist and pulled him closer. They pulled away, and Severus kissed down his neck, sucking and biting the spot where Dom's neck met his shoulder, drawing a moan from him.

They pulled away; Dom grabbed Severus's hand, pulled him upstairs, and took the bedroom.

They entered the room; Dom pushed Severus onto the bed and straddled him. He pulled off his shirt and did the same to Severus. He leaned down and kissed his mate's neck down his chest and latched on to his nipple, making the other man gasp.

He unbuckled the other man's belt and pulled down his pants and boxers in one go. He stood off the bed and did the same to his pants. He moved to the bedside table and took out the lube.

He climbed back on the bed and laid on his back, he spread his legs and squeezed softly lubed on his fingers. He moved his fingers down to his entrance and circled it before pushing on in and moaning, causing Severus, who had gotten on his elbows to watch, to let out a deep groan.

Dom worked his way up till he had three fingers in himself before pulling them out and sitting up. He pulled Severus closer and postponed him in the middle of the bed before straddling him again.

He kneeled over his mate and lined the other man's erection up with his hole and slowly slid down, moaning loudly, hands gripping his hips and squeezing as his bottom rested on Severus' pelvic area.

He stayed still for a few seconds as he adjusted to Severus's size. He got on his knees and started to bounce on the other man's cock, making both of them moan.

"D...Dommmm." Severus moaned out, and Dom sped up.

Severus gripped his hips tighter and thrust up into him. Dom felt his cock pulse in him and hot liquid in his hole and came. Severus leaned up and bit him, and Dom did the same. He collapsed on top of his mate, panting.

"Damn, that was...something," Severus said, and Dom laughed.

"If the rest of the week is like that. I might not be able to let you leave for a month." Dom said, casting a cleaning spell on both of them.


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Word count: 566

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 1 pm

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