Part 1

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Harry stood at the stove in the Dursleys' kitchen preparing dinner. He had been back from school for about two weeks, and this was the first time he was allowed to come out of his cupboard. His uncle Vernon had beaten him as soon as they entered the house before throwing him in the cupboard. He watched through the window over the sink as Dudley and his friends tossed around a baseball in the backyard. Turning to the stove, Harry saw that the food had finished cooking and turned off the fire. He moved to the living room, where his aunt and uncle sat with his aunt watching the telly.

"Dinner is ready," he said before hurriedly leaving the room to prepare the meal.

He was bringing the meal to the table when his cousin stuck his foot out, tripping him and making him fall. The food was going all over his uncle. Harry looked up and saw his uncle's face red with fury before the man jumped up from the table.

"YOU DISGUSTING FREAK, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THIS," he yelled as he grabbed Harry by the arm and pulled him out of the room and up the stairs, hitting the boy's head on them on the way up. When they got to the 'Punishment' room.

Vernon threw Harry down before moving to the wall that had his punishment tools, taking a whip and a small bottle that Harry had never seen before he moved back to stand over the boy. He used a small knife to cut Harry's shirt before he raised the whip over his head and brought it down on the teenager's back. Harry knew if he screamed, it would be worse, and he stayed silent until his uncle stopped beating him.

He turned unto his side as he watched his uncle drop the whip and open the bottle; the fat man dipped a turkey baster in the bottle and sucked up some of the liquid. He turned Harry over on his freshly between back before pressing his foot into his chest cracking a few ribs, Harry sucked in a deep breath and choked on blood, he realized that one of his ribs had punctured his lungs and this meant the end for him.

"Since you are too blind to watch where you are going, boy, you don't need your sight, do you?" His uncle sneered at him, making Harry whimper even in his near-death state.

With that, Vernon dripped the liquid into the boy's eyes, and for the first time in years, Harry screamed. His eyes burnt and felt like they were burning; he realized Vernon had dropped acid into his eye. The world slowly fades around Harry, and as he takes his last breath, he wishes someone would find him and avenge his death. 


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Word count: 464

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 5:30 am

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