14: A Friendly Acquaintance

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Germany hummed silently, venturing around a bit, looking for the right path once more.

He had been sneaking out more and more every week, it was surprisingly easy as his father also kept going out.

Surprisingly, the two Germans hadn't run into each other, and Germany was quite thankful for that.

Although he did feel a bit bad for continually sneaking out and going against his father's wishes, he was indeed learning a whole lot about the world around him.

And, he had actually started to develop friendships with some of the locals of the town, he wasn't expecting to do that, but they seemed just as interested in him, as he was in them.

After all, it was indeed strange to find a German in such a place.

But Germany wasn't very aware of that, instead he focused on the interesting tales and stories his new friends had to share.

There was so much for him to learn here! Truly it excited the young German, though he hadn't ventured too far into the village yet, he had seen multiple parts of it.

Though he also hadn't realized how big the community actually was yet. He still had much to explore.

And despite his curiosity, he almost always went to the same spot to hang out with these new people.

He couldn't exactly remember what they called it, a building of sorts where people came from far and wide to forget their

sorrows and the miserable life they lived.

Germany didn't quite understand that definition that his friends had given to him, but they let him stay there nonetheless, even when he said he didn't have any money to get anything.

He had actually grown quite fond of the place, as he enjoyed seeing so many people coming and going from the saloon, usually looking worse when they left.

Truly there was a multitude of people there, from so many different backgrounds and lifestyles.

It amazed Germany every time he went there, to see someone he had never seen before. When they did something he had never heard of before.

Most people found his interest in basic jobs strange, but were fine to share with the young German about what they did. Which only led Germany to ask more and more questions.

It would be easier if he could just ask his father about these things, but sometimes Germany wondered if his father even knew about this stuff.

He and Germany were obviously different from other people. They had a different lifestyle, one that seemed strange and weird to other folks.

Germany didn't think it was very weird, but apparently it was.

After a few of the German's first conversations, he refrained from telling people more about his upbringing, they seemed confused and almost weirded out by him.

Which led Germany to the conclusion that perhaps he was just different, and his father was different too.

Though why he lived this life now was very questionable. Why was he always at home, never exploring or running around?

Never meeting people or learning about different ways of life.

Maybe it was just his father that was weird. Or perhaps his father grew up just the way he did.

Either way, it didn't seem normal.

Germany grumbled softly as he walked, numbing on his bottom lip softly, feeling almost nervous about this new outing.

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