Chapter 1: City Of Angels

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The Wild Boys were back in Slane Castle, recovering from what happened about a week ago. They spent the week resting in their room, consuming Blue Halargian food and drinks and hanging out with Henry, Bob and their teachers in headquarters. "If I'm being honest, I'm starting to get bored," Andy said. "Yeah, don't worry, we'll go back to Basildon soon," John said. As the Wild Boys were hanging out in the living room, the crew were in headquarters. "So, how long will the Wild Boys be here?" Mr Tennant asked. "I don't know for sure, until they fully recover I suppose," Henry said. "We kept them busy, food, entertainment and a job here," Ms Harry said. The crew continued to work on something headquarters. Back in the living room, the Wild Boys were getting bored.

"Not gonna lie, I'm getting quite bored," Nicky said. "Same," Andy said. "Why don't we open up about our disorders? Maybe it can help pass the time," Gary (Webb) suggested. "Okay, I can start, I have ADHD and OCD, and I suffer from pulmonary fibrosis which explains this along with partial hearing loss," Curt said, pointing at his nasal cannula and then his hearing aids. "I suffer from depression, along with that, gastroparesis and some lung damage so I need oxygen at night, but I have this thing to provide me nutrition and this to drain stuff from my stomach," Roland said, pointing at his nasogastric tube and g-tube. "I suffer from depression," George said. "I have ADD, autism and depression," Dave said. "I have depression and autism," Mart said. "I have depression, anxiety and OCD," Fletch said.

"I have depression and bipolar disorder and I suffer from haemophilia," Simon said. "I suffer from Wolff-Parkinson-White and severe asthma which explains this," Nicky said, pointing at his nasal cannula. "I have OCD and depression and I also suffer from heart defects, asthma and pulmonary fibrosis, also the reason why I have this," John said, gesturing towards his nasal cannula. "I have dyslexia and a mitochondrial disorder and it affected my digestive system and respiratory system, I'm on oxygen because of that," Roger said. "I suffer from ADHD and dyspraxia and I have gastroparesis and a mitochondrial disorder so I have a nasogastric tube and a nasal cannula," Andy said, showing his nasogastric tube and nasal cannula.

"I suffer from IBS, I got an ileostomy bag because of it," Chris said. "I used to have a stammer when I was younger," Jim said. "I also had a stammer, I also have dyslexia and autism and I suffer from asthma and bronchitis which is why I'm also on oxygen," Marc said, gesturing towards his nasal cannula. "Mine's obvious but let's just say I broke my spine," David said. This is because more 'obvious' disabilities require a wheelchair. Everyone else had hidden disabilities as a result of illness or genetics. "I suffer from pulmonary fibrosis and I'm on oxygen because of that," Tony said. "I suffer from cognitive difficulties, epilepsy and deafness," Martin said, pointing towards his hearing aids. "I'm deaf," Gary (Kemp) said, pointing at his hearing aids. "I suffer from sickle cell disease and pulmonary hypertension which is why I'm also on oxygen," Nick said, pointing at his nasal cannula.

"I have autoimmune hypophysitis which affects my pituitary gland which is why I'm short," Nik said. "I suffer from depression because I was kidnapped by a paedophile when I was 12 and bipolar disorder after a suicide attempt," Terry said. "I'm just mentally-challenged because of my past drug addiction," Billy said. "I have asperger's," Gary (Webb) said. "But asperger's is also part of autism," Mart said. "Really?" Gary (Webb) asked. "Yeah," Marc said. "I had a traumatic head injury and after I attempted suicide, I was diagnosed with FND because my brain lacked oxygen causing my legs to not work and I also have episodes of dystonia so I'm on oxygen at night and I need leg braces all the time," Hutch said. "When I was younger, I had hereditary multiple exostoses which is abnormal bone growth so I had an operation to get rid of them," Tim said. 

"So do I, it's genetics," Jonathan said. "I have POTS so I need to be on oxygen due to frequent episodes and I also have hearing loss," Bono said, gesturing towards his nasal cannula and hearing aid. "I have lupus and it affected my kidneys and my lungs which is why I'm on oxygen and dialysis," Adam said, gesturing towards her nasal cannula and dialysis machine. "I was born with cystic fibrosis so that's why I'm on oxygen but I also have hearing loss," Larry said, gesturing towards his nasal cannula and hearing aids. "I suffer from lupus which affects my kidneys, intestines and lungs along with interstitial lung disease," Richard said, showing his nasogastric tube and nasal cannula. "And I suffer from type one diabetes which explains this diabetic pump and pulmonary fibrosis," Bryan said, showing his diabetic pump and nasal cannula.

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