Chapter 3: Falling Down

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Meanwhile, at the headquarters, Henry began interrogating the rivals. "Okay, first of all, what are you doing here?" Henry asked. "Ian went insane and wanted to get rid of the Wild Boys, you may think that it's because they didn't save us from the IRA base but it really isn't," Pete said. "Yeah, he's trying to prove that he's better than the Wild Boys," Paul (Humphreys) said. "Thanks, what is it you're trying to prove, Ian?" Henry asked. "That I'm better than the Wild Boys, I want to bring them to their downfall," Ian said. "It seems like you're stooping far too low," Bob said. "Yeah, nobody can be better than the Wild Boys nor can the Wild Boys be better than others. They may be kids but they're the reason why Blue Halarge can trust planet Earth," Ms Harry said.

"But no matter the differences, all alien hybrids must stick together, we are fighting the most dangerous force," Henry said. "And what is this dangerous force?" Les asked. "The red-eyed Halargians," Henry said. But Ian just scoffed. "Maybe we can defeat them easily," Ian said. "Ian, please be real, the red-eyeds want to destroy us because they want to kill the remaining hybrids so that there will be less blue-eyeds. They staged a genocide 40 years ago that would wipe out every single blue-eyed and now there are just 15.7 million blue-eyeds now, which is 0.2 percent of all the Halargians in the Onial planetary system," Paul (Humphreys) explained. "Smart kid," Mr Tennant said, impressed with Paul (Humphreys)'s explanation.

"And how many red-eyeds are there?" Pete asked. "464.68 million," Henry said. "That's more than the blue-eyeds," Andy (McCluskey) said. "That's why we need your help, if you could comply and join the Wild Boys, you'd be protected by us," Henry said. The other rivals were starting to soften up to the Wild Boys, except for Ian. "Why can we have a separate and independent group of hybrids?" Ian asked. He still thought highly of himself, thinking that he's better than the Wild Boys. "Ian, we're the only organisation on Earth that protects the hybrids in order to protect them," Bob said. "Oh come on, you're only saying that so that we could join that one big team, one big team who abandoned us to rot in that prison," Ian angrily said. "They didn't know," Ms Harry said.

"Yeah, they didn't know, especially the badges, they didn't know you were the owners," Mr Sumner said. "Ian, I think you should stop thinking highly of yourself and using that one flaw to bring them down," Will said. "But we don't know if you actually were so we need you to hand over your badges," Henry said. "Are you kidding right now?" Les asked. "No kidding," Henry said. "And once we can verify your badges, you can get your watches and train with the Wild Boys," Mr McCartney said. "But for now, once we confiscate your badges, you have to separate yourselves from the Wild Boys for a while, as they need to recover, you'll remain in the lounge area," Henry said. The other rivals complied and gave Lord Henry their badges, all except for Ian. "Come on Ian, you have to listen to him," Les persuaded.

"Giving my badge to a random old man? No way," Ian said. "Ian, that's not nice," Andy (McClusky) said. "Yeah, you need to stop thinking highly of yourself and give in just for once," Paul (Humphreys) said. After a while of convincing, Ian had no choice but to comply. They were then escorted to the lounge area where they were just lying around. Back in headquarters, Bob tried to verify each and every badge. "First, 50559, Ian Stephen McCulloch," Bob said as he used the scanner to verify Ian's badge. As it turns out, the badge was real and not a knockoff. "It's real," Bob confirmed before placing the badge next to him. "That's impossible, they weren't with us during the badging ceremony," Henry said. "How about checking the other badges?" Ms Harry asked.

Bob nodded as he got the second badge. "This is the next badge, 12458, William Alfred Sergeant," Bob said before scanning the badge. Turns out, it was also real and not a fake knockoff. "It's also real," Bob said before getting the next badge. "I'm confused, how are these real?" Mr Tennant asked. "I'll go ask General Zirgkril after Bob confirms all the badges," Henry said. "The third badge, 18458, Leslie Thomas Pattinson," Bob said before scanning the badge. Again, it turns out to be a true Halargian badge. "This is also real," Bob said. "None of this makes sense," Ms Harry said. Bob then scanned the next badge. "The fourth badge, 20861, Peter Louis Vincent de Freitas," Bob said before scanning the badge. But as usual, the badge was real and not fake.

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