Chapter 4: If You Were There

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The next day, the Wild Boys began training their potential new members who were rivals. They are now on the castle grounds where they would train. "Okay, so first, you are going to show us your powers because apparently, Jim over there is still making the dummies," Nicky said. The rivals looked at Jim who still hadn't finished his first dummy. "Why is he taking so long?" Paul (Humphreys) asked. "That doesn't matter, you have to demonstrate your powers first, Ian, you're first," Nicky said. "Do I really have to?" Ian asked. "Yes," everyone said. Ian nodded as he tried to unleash his telekinetic twisting only for him to scream, grab his head and collapse. "Ian!" Will yelled out. Ian's intrusive thoughts got the best of him and were preventing him from unleashing his powers.

"What's going on?" Andy asked. John then used his powers to figure out what's going on with Ian. "Intrusive thoughts, he has OCD like me and Curt," John said. "I also have OCD," Fletch said. "Really?" Curt asked. Fletch nodded. "Now I figured out why he's been so against us," Fletch pointed out. "Err Ian, you may take a break for a while, just let us know if you're ready," Nicky said. Ian nodded as he stepped aside and sat somewhere. Curt, John and Fletch then went up to Ian. "What do you want?" Ian asked. "We just want you to know, as people who also struggle with OCD, you're not alone," Curt said, sitting next to Ian. "You really don't know what it's like having repeated intrusive thoughts, OCD's a joke to other people," Ian said. "Not to us, we also have repeated intrusive thoughts," John said.

"Yeah and at this point, you're letting them win, they're the reason why you decided to go against us, thinking that you're superior and all that," Fletch said. "I've been taking medication for OCD but if I'm being fair, it keeps winning," Ian said. "I know it's hard coming from someone who also struggles with OCD but the only person in charge of your brain is you, you can fend off those intrusive thoughts yourself," Curt said. "That sounds impossible," Ian scoffed. "It's not, just trust us, and soon your powers will flow," John said. "It just didn't make sense, when I was mad at you guys, my powers unleashed itself but when I'm not, it just didn't happen," Ian said. "That's the sign that you have to let these intrusive thoughts go and focus on your powers," Fletch said.

It took Ian a while but he reluctantly agreed. He then rejoined his group on the training grounds. It was already perfect timing because Jim finally finished the dummies. "Alright, the dummies are done, you can now start using your powers against them," Jim announced. Ian came first and began using his telekinetic twisting to break the dummy. He managed to do it without his intrusive thoughts getting in the way. "You did it Ian," Curt said. Ian was impressed with his skills. He felt happier now that he managed to let go of his intrusive thoughts. "Okay, thank you, Ian, Will, you're next," Nicky said. Will then used his psychic whip generation to whip the next dummy. His whip can cause so much damage to even a small rock. "What do you think?" Will asked.

"You destroyed the dummy," Jim said. "That was awesome," Charlie said. "Okay, thank you, Will, Les, you're next," Nicky said. Will stepped aside allowing Les to demonstrate his powers with the dummy. He made rocks orbit around him and used them to attack the dummy. "Impressive," Pål said. "Yeah," Nena said. "Okay, thank you Les, Pete, you're up," Nicky said. Pete used his psionic drain powers against the dummy. This turned the dummy into just a sheet of latex. "Wow," Pete said, upon realising how powerful he is. "Your powers can be useful in battles, especially because we're up against an army," Kim said. "Alright, thank you Pete, Andy, you're next," Nicky said before Andy (Taylor) was about to go into the battlefield. "Not you, McCluskey over there," Nicky said.

"Oh, right, sorry," Andy (Taylor) said. Andy (McCluskey) then used his telekinetic strike to push the dummy. The dummy managed to end up far off in the River Boyne. "Wow," Andy (McCluskey) said, impressed with his powers. "I think that dummy's going to the Irish sea now that it's in the River Boyne," Larry said. "Yeah, this is proof of how strong Andy's powers are," Bono said. "And lastly, Paul, it's your turn to show your powers," Nicky said. Paul (Humphreys) then used his telekinetic cutting against the dummy. He sliced the dummy into multiple pieces using his powers. "Wow, you're so good," Dave said. "Thank you," Paul (Humphreys) said. "Okay, thank you for demonstrating your powers," Nicky said. That's when Henry came in to check on the Wild Boys.

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