Chapter 2: Swords And Knives

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After a while of walking and travelling from Wicklow to Slane, Ian, Will, Les, Pete, Andy (McCluskey) and Paul (Humphreys) finally reached Slane. "Here it is, Slane Castle, we're finally here," Ian said. "Took us a while," Paul (Humphreys) said. "Oh shut up, Paul," Andy (McCluskey) said. "Now, we need to find the Wild Boys," Ian said. "Ian, the gate is open, we can easily get in," Pete said. "Perfect," Ian said. They then entered the gate. Unbeknownst to them, surveillance cameras were watching. "This must be some huge field, the perfect place to play football or something," Pete said. "Yeah, we better play some football sometime," Paul (Humphreys) said. "Not right now you guys, we have to focus on the important part, the Wild Boys, you can play football some other time," Andy (McCluskey) said.

Back in headquarters, Roland finally figured out what to do. "What about we go and confront them?" Roland asked. "Is this a good idea, Ro?" Kate asked. "I don't think this is a good idea, Ro, if we confront them, we might have to use our powers and aren't you aware that we're still recovering?" Curt asked. Roland tried to think about it. "We'll try to do it peacefully, without our powers," Howard said. "Are you sure, Howard?" Gary (Webb) asked. Howard just nodded. "Okay fine, you confront them, just try not to use your powers," Henry said. Everyone else nodded so they headed out of headquarters. They then headed out of the castle when they confronted the intruders. "Can't believe I'm seeing the real Wild Boys, in the flesh," Ian said.

"What do you want?" Curt asked. "Wait, who are they?" Sarah asked. Bono then extracted goggles from his watch and used it to identify the intruders. "Where did you get that?" Adam asked. "It's just a new feature," Bono said. He then used his goggles to identify each and every one of the intruders. "Odd, they're hybrids," Bono said. "Hybrids?" Larry asked. "Yup, and you left us to rot in the IRA base," Will said. The Wild Boys were shocked and confused. They didn't know who these guys were and why they were accusing them. "Do you know who they are?" Nena asked. "Not really, I don't think they're in our class," Bernard said. "I think I can identify them, I have my goggles on," Bono said. "Please hurry, I think they're dangerous," Adam said.

"Dangerous? No way," Paul (Humphreys) said. "Oh shut up, Paul," Ian said. ""50559, Ian Stephen McCulloch," Bono said as he identified the first intruder. "Ian, the dude with a Scottish-sounding name," Mick said, upon remembering when he and the other Wild Boys and the crew found the extra badges. "Actually, that's an Ulster name," Larry corrected. "How do you know?" Mick asked. "12458, William Alfred Sergeant," Bono said, upon identifying the second intruder. "It's Will," Will said. "18458, Leslie Thomas Pattinson," Bono said, identifying the third intruder. "The one with the girl-sounding name?" Gillian asked, recalling the extra badges at the IRA base. "Does my middle name sound like a girl?" John asked. "20861, Peter Louis Vincent de Freitas," Bono said, identifying the fourth intruder.

"Oh, the dude with the Spanish-sounding name," Roger said, upon remembering where he heard that name. "Fun fact, I was born in Trinidad and Tobago," Pete said. "Nobody asked, Pete," Les said. "24659, George Andrew McCluskey," Bono said, identifying the fifth intruder. "Another dude with a Scottish-sounding name," Mick said, remembering the extra badges. "It's Irish-sounding," Larry corrected. "And he has the same name as me," Andy (Taylor) said. "27260, Paul David Humphreys," Bono said before keeping his goggles. "Hello," Paul (Humphreys) awkwardly said. "And that dude has the same name as me," Paul (Young) said. "What do you want from us?" Curt asked. That's when Ian stepped in. "You left us and we want to eliminate you as revenge," Ian said before unleashing his powers.

Ian began using his telekinetic twisting against Bono. Bono began screaming in pain as he started to have yet another POTS episode. "Stop," Bono said. "What are you doing to him, please stop," Larry said before he was cut off as Ian used his powers against him. Larry's body was twisted, just like Bono's. Will then used his powers to attack the Wild Boys. They dodged but Hutch was hit. Will has powers known as psychic whip generation. "That hurt, mate," Hutch grunted out. "You alright?" Jonathan asked as he ran up to Hutch. Hutch just nodded. Then, Les used his powers to form an orbital field surrounding him. There were rocks surrounding him and Les used his telekinesis to use these rocks to attack. "Everyone, watch out!" Andy (Taylor) said as everyone dodged the attacks.

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