Chapter 6: All Along The Watchtower

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The Wild Boys reached platform 6 and were able to catch the train going to Basildon. So they hopped into their train as they headed to Basildon. "So, what's your deal with the IRA?" Ian asked. "The IRA division in Wicklow has connections with the Illuminati which is an anti-hybrid organisation, they wanted to capture us because we're hybrids and we needed to be exterminated," Bono said. "They tried to get me and Bono to join to serve Ireland when we already knew their ill intentions," Larry said. "They also tried to get me and Simon by the hair, our hair is short because of that and we're trying to grow it out," Richard said. "You got that little mullet going on, Richard," Paul (Humphreys) said. "I thought my hair stopped growing due to lupus," Richard said.

Even though Richard had long hair at one point, he suffered from hair loss due to lupus. Without his knowledge, his hair is growing back to its original length, well, almost growing back to its original length. Richard's hair grows slowly so he cannot revert back to his original mullet. "I wonder who made your hair even out after you tried to free yourself from the IRA," Pete said. "I tried to even Simon's hair out while Roland did Richard's," George said. "How do you know how to cut hair?" Les asked. "One of my older sisters just knew how to cut hair after trimming off mine at one point and she also taught me how to cut hair," George said. "I dunno how I got this skill, it just so happened I know how to cut hair because Curt was struggling with hair loss due to being on steroids," Roland explained.

"My hair's getting thick again even though I'm still on steroids," Curt said. "I thought steroids give you muscles and make you stronger," Paul (Humphreys) said. "That's anabolic steroids, we're talking about corticosteroids," Kate said. Kate's dad is a doctor while her mum is a nurse so she knew a lot of medical stuff. "That's the only medication that could help us have our airways opened up," John said. "Apart from albuterol," Marc said. John and Marc both suffered from asthma their whole lives so they knew what it's like to inhale medication. While Nicky only got his after taking beta blockers to regulate his heartbeat. "Speaking of that, I am considering cutting my hair because it's also falling out, also from steroids," Nicky said.

"I'll try to cut it next time," George promised. The Wild Boys were enjoying the view of the countryside as soon as they left London. "We're getting closer to Laindon, right?" Paul (Humphreys) asked. "Not yet, we had just reached the county of Essex," Mart said. "We'll stop at Laindon because that's where our school is," Dave said. The train finally reached Laindon as the Wild Boys disembarked. They now have to catch the bus from the train station. "Welcome to Laindon," Mart said. "It looks empty," Ian pointed out. Basildon is considered to be boring according to its own residences. "I gotta admit, it's one of the most boring places on Earth but at least nobody sees the alien activity," Fletch said. Laindon hasn't undergone modernisation until 2020 so the Laindon the Wild Boys were standing on now is rather small.

Small and old-fashioned, the houses looked like they were stuck in the middle ages. The Wild Boys headed to the bus station and waited for their bus. "Do you usually take the bus to and from the city?" Will asked. "All the time, to the point I'm sick," Roland said, referencing when he got nauseous on the bus just to go to the hospital to see Curt. "Literally," George said. The bus soon arrived allowing the Wild Boys to hop in and head to Basildon Academy. They all watched as the countryside passed them by. "This bus stops in front of Basildon Academy so we don't have to cross the street to get to the gate," Mart said. "Does anyone get bus sick?" George asked. Nobody raised their hands so this is a good sign. "Good, I ran out of pita bread so I'm not giving any but I promise I'll make more once we get to the academy," George said.

The Wild Boys finally reached Basildon Academy and hopped off the bus. "Welcome back to Basildon Academy everyone," Dave said as the Wild Boys reached the gate.

The Wild Boys will always shine...

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