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Ian, Will, Pete, Les, Andy and Paul are now out of the dungeon and heading to the halls heading to the main office after hearing from the Wild Boys that the badges were there. "What are we doing here?" Paul asked. "I heard from the Wild Boys that our badges must be here," Ian said. "But Ian, this place is scary," Pete said before Ian shushed him. He thought that the IRA officers were present. "Coast is clear," Ian said, enabling his friends to keep moving. It was a very long hallway until Ian found the badges lying on the floor. "I found them," Ian said. "Geez, these guys don't know how to tidy up after themselves," Andy said. "Okay, so here's mine, 50559, Ian Stephen McCulloch," Ian said before putting the badge on his shoe. "And mine, 12458, William Alfred Sergeant," Will said as he placed the badge on his shoe.

"18458, Leslie Thomas Pattison, yup, that's me," Les said, placing his badge on his show. "20861, Peter Louis Vincent de Freitas, that's mine," Pete said as he put his badge onto his shoe. "24659, George Andrew McClusky, that's me," Andy said upon finding his badge, he then placed it on his shoe. "And Paul, this is for you," Andy said, giving the badge to Paul. "27260, Paul David Humphreys, yes that's mine, thanks Andy," Paul said, placing his badge onto his shoe. "Now that everyone's got their badges, wait, why are there more?" Ian asked, upon noticing more badges. "That means there might be more down there," Pete said. "Let's just abandon them, just like how the Wild Boys abandoned us," Ian said. Everyone just went on up back to the surface just to find the Wild Boys.

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