March 7th x GN reader ☁

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Title: Photos


Words: 1098

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Words: 1098


Idk if this is gonna turn out good but 🤞🏻

This takes place before penacony, and I also use stelle as the MC!

warnings: none!

PS: (_____) means authors note!


It was extremely late on the Astral Express. Pitch black and not a sound to be heard, the only light to be seen is from under your door. You were sat at you desk lunched over writing in what is presumably your journal, well at least that's what you called it, March teases you about it and himeko says not to be ashamed about having a diary. Just the thought makes you roll your eyes. Only children have diaries.

'Then out of nowhere stelle and march pop up and scares me and Dan heng!' You wrote. You were writing about today's adventures in Belobog.

A sudden pain stroke in your hand. 'OW hand cramp' you made an overdramatic face and dropped your pencil. You rubbed your hand gently trying to get the pain to leave you.

Knock Knock

You heard two soft knocks at your door. 'I though every was asleep...well maybe it could be Dan heng..' You slowly stood on your two feet. 'Oh wait maybe it's welt telling me to go to bed...ugh I hope not.' You crossed your fingers and slide the door open

A short figure stood in front of you. She had short hair and cute pink pjs. Who else could it be other than March?

"What are you doing up this late march?" You leaned in and spoke softly as to not wake anyone. 'Did I accidentally wake her up? I wasn't being that loud was I?' She took you out of your thoughts.

"I wanted to show you some photos I took today!" She smiled and held up some polaroid photos in her hands. You sighed and shook your head before lifting it back up to continue

"This couldn't wait till the morning?" You asked before breaking into a yawn. She took that as an opportunity to sneak past you and walk into your room. 'Wait a minut-' you looked over and saw her standing in the middle of the room. You closed the door.

"I could have waited till the morning but I know you put your diar-...I mean journal entries in late at night" You walked to your bed to hide the embarrassment on your face.

"So I thought you could use some know like a scrapbook!" You looked up at her, she was staring right back at you with the world's biggest and prettiest smile. She seemed excited and you didn't want to hurt her feelings, plus it wasn't that bad of an idea. And we all know of your little crush on march so this is a perfect opportunity to spend time with her...maybe make some moves too.

"Alright fine" she cheered. You giggled and shushed her making sure welt or Dan heng wouldn't come in angry. "Heh sorry" she rubbed her neck. You gave her one last smile before turning to the direction of your desk, you stood beside it before opening one of the drawers, revealing some random pieces of paper, glue, scissors, and a broken pencil. March stood beside and took the glue while you took the scissors.

"Put the photos here." You pointed to a clear and perfect spot for a photo of you and Dan heng about to be scared by the two girls. She took the glue stick top off and began sticking the photos whoever you told her to.

Eventually you guys got off track and began doodling, coloring, cutting...etc. You looked over at march and her red face from laughing, or at least that's what you assumed. You smiled softly admiring the little details in her face and the squeaky giggles that came out of her mouth. Your eyes then moved to her hair, you noticed a small piece in it.

Without thinking you reached over and took it out. She stopped cutting and looked at you, her face got...redder? The two of you made eye contact and you realized what you did.

"S-sorry you had paper in your hair" Even a child could tell you were flustered. You quickly looked away and instinctively closed your eyes shut 'Omg I probably should've have just told her she had something in her hair and then she'd take it out' you silently cried. You heard her giggle and you turned your head back around.

Her checks were flushed just as yours were and her eyes were closed because her smile was so big.

"Hehe Don't worry about it!" You could've sworn your pupils were heart shaped right now. She calmed down and finished her sentence.

"Thank you reader" she reached her hand for yours, which was sitting in your lap and carefully took it. Then she looked back to her masterpiece.

Both of your faces were flushed and your hands were probably a bit clamy but that didn't matter, at least for now. All you could think about was that march definitely liked you back. She leaned her head on your shoulder. You tensed up vut somehow manged to turn off your little desk lamp.

You didn't want to risk waking her up and making her go back to her dorm so you just rested your head on hers. Soon enough you two were cuddled up and fast asleep.


"Have you seen march?" Welt asked himeko as he walked into the room. "I checked her room but she wasn't there. I'm afra-" Himeko put her finger against his lips to make him shut up. Much to his dislike. He raised his brow and she put her hand down. She walked to the nearest table and sat down her coffee before waving welt to come over.

She led him down the hallway to your room and quietly slid the door opend. She and welt were lunchled over to see.

"I found them like this earlier this morning" she quietly spoke gigging. Welt smiled softly and pulled himeko back so her could shut the door.

"Guess those diary entries paid off then huh?" Himeko asked on their way back.

"You read them too?"



Dude march is the cutest 😭 can't believe she's so underrated 😒

Anways hoped you enjoyed! Also if you want to request make sure to put what gender you want for the reader pls 😭 🙏🏻


Bye-bye 👋

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