Robin x GN reader ☁️

350 10 4

Artist: Kuroisen_339

Words: 482

Request: none

Warnings: none!

PS: (____) means authors note!


You had finally gotten off a long and excruciating 14-hour shift. After long days like this, you go get a drink at Gallagher's work. You know? To ease your nerves before heading home.

You rubbed your head, you could already feel a migraine forming. You dragged your feet against the paved sidewalk. Finally making it to Gallagher.

"Gallagher!" You yelled briefly before waving your hand. He put the rag he was using to dry off a glass onto his shoulder and waved back with a slight smile across his charming face. You always thought he was older than he was because of his tired eyes and the hairs forming on his face. Though you can't say anything, you probably look older as well due to stress.

You sat down on the soft yet firm barstool. "Just give me whatever I couldn't care less...just no-" "Vodka? I know, you say the same thing every day." He teased. You just smiled along, resting your chin on your palm.

When you got here you didn't see anyone on the stage performing, which you thought was a bit odd but you couldn't care less. You closed your eyes. Blocking out the bright lights. You heard a glass being placed beside you on the table. You opened Your eyes to see Gallagher drying off glasses. You looked back to the glass and picked it up, dropping your arm.




You heard someone tapping the mic, a noise you often heard. They always did it to make sure the mic wasn't going to give feedback while singing. Only a handful of times it didn't work.

You chugged your drink down, ignoring the burning feeling in your throat. You wipe your mouth, making sure nothing else is on your face. You heard a familiar voice. You smiled softly and turned around in your chair. You also noticed Gallagher looking up to see.

A love-sick emotion formed on every part of your face as you saw your girlfriend, Robin, singing her heart out to the crowd.

You stood up from where you were sitting, making sure to leave coins for Gallagher. You slowly made your way to the stage, passing all the people in your way.

Robin had her eyes closed but slowly opened them to make sure she didn't trip when she twirled. After twirling she smiled at the crowd, her eyes meeting with yours. The once small smile began to grow. She blew a kiss before walking to the other side of the stage.

Your heart fluttered. You could feel about a million butterflies moving around in your stomach. You couldn't understand why she chose you out of millions, but you sure as hell weren't going to complain.



I gave up 🤗


Bye-bye 👋

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