Stelle x female reader ☁

506 7 15

Info beforehand:

Title: Nap

Artist: Riejiu on Twitter/X

Words: 984

Requested: AshomXnyn (lmk if you want this removed!)

Omg finally someone requested stelle 😭 I love her sm 😻

Warnings: none!

Scenario: After a tiring day with March 7th, Dan heng and Stella...etc ALSO YES I MADE DAN HENG JOIN US IN PENACONY EVEN THO HE DIDNT IN THE ACTUAL STORY

PS: (_____) means authors note!


Your back was hunched over, making you look like a mean witch. 'My feet are killing me! How much longer of this nightmare?!' You pleaded silently to yourself. You were currently standing against the wall while March was going off about something. Probably nonsense. You watched as she flung her hands in the air imitating an explosion.

"Then you died!" She screeched. Dan heng sighed, but still nodded to her antics. Stelle put her phone away after seeing a food truck. She lifted her arm and pointed to the direction making the three of you look.

"Hungry?" Dan heng asked in return, which is pretty stupid considering that was obvious. I mean why else would she be pointing? March raised her hand "I AM!" She yanked Dan heng's hand and ran off leaving you alone with stelle.

You turn your head to her. Then soon you tilted it. "Shouldn't you he going over there too? I mean you are the one who suggested it.." she shook her head no "I just wanted her to stop...and I also wanted to be alone" You felt your face heat up 'oh what a tease'

She continued "Do you want to head back without them?" You nodded and she waited for you to get off the wall and walk beside her. "My feet have been killing me. I have no idea how March has so much energy" you confessed, making stelle chuckle

"Maybe it's because of all that coffee himeko shoves down her throat" You both laugh, stopping your walk to let the cars drive by. Once you were far enough from the duo you left you felt a pinky connect yours. You looked down to see stelles pinky in yours. You smiled and took her whole hand to yours. Looking up to see her tiny smile turn bigger.

You and stelle weren't to ready to tell the other two, even though you were 99% sure Dan hemg already knew. You knew that march would make this big deal about it and you two wanted to take it slow. You didn't have to tell himeko and welt as himeko already knew and told welt. Hopefully she can keep her mouth shut before slipping the info out to March.

The two of you finally made it back to the room. You reached into your pocket eagerly for the key, after unlocking it you immediately took your shoes AND socks off. Jumping into bed. You soon felt stelle lay next to you afterwards.

You both laid there in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the sweet relief of the quiet. And of course the ac/cold air. The room was dark but you could see a bit of light from the cracks of the window curtains. Still hearing a faint of people walking and talking.

You turned and laid on your side facing stelle. She looked over at you smiling. You noticed she was no longer wearing her coat, and the strap she wore on her thigh was also gone. And yet she still looked beautiful on your eyes. Honestly she could probably have dirt and blood all over her face and you'd still think she was beautiful.

Your thoughts were interrupted by stelle attempting to get herself under the blankets, though you made it difficult by keeping your dead weight there. "Sorry!" You mumbled and help get under them, you joing her. "You're fine...literally" she finished her sentence smirking. She always throws in some stupid pick up line. You laughed every time.

"You're getting pretty good with these" you laughed. "I've been practicing just for you" she put a piece of your hair behind your eye, her hand trailing down to your waist. You leaned into her touch, smiling. She then fully pulled you in with her arms, her chin resting on your head. 'She smells great' you giggled to yourself.

"Mmm your hair smells good..." she exclaimed. "Thank you, I use yours" the two of you laughed. Her laugh lasting a bit longer than yours.

You felt her thumb draw circles on your back. You soaked in this moment. Dating the trailblazer meant you didn't get a lot of these peaceful moments together. So you really had to live in the moment. Nights were the best time for you two but surprisingly it was around 3 pm.

You slowly started to doze off.

"I love you stelle" you mumbled before falling asleep, not letting stelle say it back. She laughed and patted your head.

"I love you too..." you two both fell asleep.


"Ugh I can't believe those two left us! Without even saying goodbye?!" March shouted walking down the hall, while Dan heng was actually trying to find their room. "March slow down." She stopped in her tracks and waited for him.

"Did you ever consider that they wanted alone time? It's not everyday they get a chance, think about them." She stayed quiet for a bit while they walked. Before finally responding. "I guess you're right Dan, I was just in the heat of the moment i guess" he Pat's her back and smiles gently.

"We're here" She looks away from him and to the door. "YAY!"



Hope you enjoyed the oneshot! It was pretty fun to write especially the last part, idk why no one writes about March she's fun to write.

Also it's surprisingly actually kinda hard to write stelle 😭

Also it's surprisingly actually kinda hard to write stelle 😭

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Same as before I believe


Bye-bye 👋

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