Firefly x trans reader 💧 (☁?)

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Info beforehand:

Title: Don't wait longer than necessary.

Artist: @CodeFFH on Twitter/X

Words: 1263

Requested: Amber13525 (lmk if you want this removed!)

Warnings: death, insecurity, mention of blood, and spoilers for penacony quest

Scenario: The reader meets firefly with stelle and bond. But then tragedy strikes 🙀 (reader is mtf [male to female] and is also shy requested by the requester!) ALSO THIS IS MY OWN AU SO SOME THINGS MIGHT CHANGE BUT NOTHING TOO BIG

PS: (____) means authors note!


Everyone on the Astral Express was seated in the lobby awaiting their arrival to penacony. You were quite excited hearing so many good things, how lively everything was. And because you didn't get to go on the trip to Belobog. But as Dan heng is staying this time you get to go!

"March you're going to fail don't encourage stelle!!" You shouted safely from your seat as the other two girls stood. They were trying to stay on their two feet when the train took off, it never worked of course but that never stopped them.

"No! I swear it'll work this time!" March responded, standing her ground. You rolled your eyes and Dan heng sighed. You looked at him 'How does he put up with her?' You looked away after hearing two certain girls fall to the ground. You chuckled.

"We've arrived!" Pom pom said cheerfully. The two girls stood up, you helping stelle while Dan heng helped March. You watched as stelle dusted herself off. After a bit of more chatter the three of you were ready to set off on a new journey.

"Shoot I forgot my bag! Wait for me!" You shouted and ran back inside the train quickly. You ran down the hall, just barely missing Mr Yang (welt). After securing your bag you hurried back to the lobby. You stopped in your tracks and saw dang heng. He was sitting down playing with a coin, he must've felt your gaze linger on him.

"Is something the matter?" He tilted his head slightly. You quickly shook your head no. Flaring your arms around. You quickly stopped though and stared at him. His eyes still on you.

"It's just that...well are you sure you don't want to go?"

"I'm fine sitting this one out, I've got some research to you said you've dreamed about penacony for a week when finding out we were heading there next. You deserve this." You smiled at him mouthing thank you as he nodded. You finally left the express.

"About time! We've been waiting awhile you know?" March huffed and crossed her arms. You glanced at stelle who seemed to be playing a game on her phone.

"Oops?" She shook her head and nudged stelle to get off her phone.

"Never mind now let's get going!" She stated and took both of your guys arms and started dragging you.


It's been a few weeks a penacony, so much has happened in the last few days but one thing that seemed to linger on your mind was a girl you had met. She had long white hair, finished off with a headband. She was short compared to you but that's because you...oh right. Who are you kidding you'd have no chance with her. She's a real girl. Why would she want to be with you? If anything she'd want to be with a real girl, or better yet a boy.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a simple tap to your shoulder. You turned around and saw her. Firefly. Gosh she was so beautiful, her smile was wide as ever. Once she opened her eyes you quickly got lost in them. She finally spoke up.

"I tried yelling your name but you seemed to be on a daze" she giggled

"But anyways I wanted to know if you were free to hang? I saw this restaurant that I've been dying to try and I wanted to take you with me!" She finished. You felt the heat rush to your checks. You just hoped it wasn't noticeable. 'Like a date? No she said just as friends?...great'

"Of course I'd love to go!" She clapped her hands and she quickly moved beside you, interlocking your arms together. Making your checks rise up again with heat. You began your way there. You silently cheered about how close the two of you were.

"So it's been a bit since I've seen you. How are you?" She filled the silence. You shrugged while stepping over a puddle

"Alright, just been very chaotic. When I got here I was hoping it'd be you know? Happy? But I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, we're here for a stellaron, of course it was gonna be chaotic." She nodded, making sure you knew she was paying attention. You hesitated on this next part, feeling your checks heat up again from embarrassment, but ultimately decided to say it. Hoping it wouldn't make her uncomfortable.

"But when I'm with you...all that chaos seems to slip away, bringing nothing but peace and...warmth." you made sure to keep your gaze in front of you, making sure not to accidentally meet her gaze. Knowing she could've seen your embarrassment once again. But all you heard was a chuckle.

"You bring that to me too reader I'm glad to know we feel similar." You were happy she didn't take it wrong but you still frowned. 'If only we actually felt similar...gosh I hate this feeling. I hate being this way and looking this way. Maybe if I was different I would've had a chance with her.'

MINI TIME SKIP (warning death!)

You saw firefly and smiled, tears breaming in your eyes. You ran to firefly, who was standing with stelle, acheron and Blackswan. You were halfway there but slowly stopped as you saw the shocked look on all three if their faces. Fear rushed through you, before you could utter anything it took you by the ankle and raised you up. Acheron pulled out her sword getting ready to end this death monster.

"NO!" Firefly shouted but she couldn't risk the other three finding out that she was Sam. So she did the only other thing she could think of and ran towards you. She couldn't lose you! Not before she told you about the way she felt! Even if you didn't love her back she still needed to tell you. The other three ran with her. Acheron running the fastest.

But it was too late, the death monster had risen you up and stabbed you. Blood splattering all over firefly. And a bit on acheron. She watched your lifeless body drop to the cold hard floors. She stood I'm shock. She couldn't move or do anything. Acheron realized this and "took" the monster away. Once everything finally processed she ran to you.

She lifted you body, still having its little warmth, and held it close. Tears kept streaming down her eyes unable to stop.

"I-im sorry-" she choked on her words, a thump formed in her throat. "I should've gotten there quicker" she sobbed louder. Burying her face into your neck.

Awhile had past and the only reason why you weren't in firefly arms is because Blackswan forced her away.

All she had left of you was a photo and your bracelet.



YAYYA firefly is so pretty i serdont get the hate about her 😒

REQUEST OPEN (pls specify what gender u want the reader to be!)

Bye-bye 👋

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