The Handmaidens Tale

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Long ago, when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry. Couture and canape are just another Saturday night until you add a mask. But preparing for a ball. Is an event in itself, which is why queens invented handmaidens.

     Blair, Madeleine, and Serena all sat in Blairs bed. "So Kati mentioned a custom made corset and I hear wigs are involved?" Serena said confused. "Well it is a masquerade" Madeleine said "And I do have something special planned for Nate tonight. Its a game! a scavenger hunt" Blair said excitedly "And we all know how much you love a game." Madeleine laughed Serena raised an eyebrow confused. "Nate starts out with a clue from yours truly" She pointed to Madeleine who smiled "Which leads to ladies in wait that give him a clue to the next lady-" Serena was confused yet amused "Wait you have ladies in waiting?" 

     "If he finds me before midnight when the masks come off, he can claim his prize" Blair smiled "And what's that?" Serena asked. Madeleine gestured to Blair who had a 'duh' look on her face. "Oh! yeah, right. Sorry" she said realizing. "I mean after everything that's happened... or hasn't happened. I should find some way to make it special" Blair said "That's really romantic Blair" Serena said "It really is!" Madeleine gushed. 

     "In fact after all we've been through I want you to be my last lady to give Nate the final clue." Blair smiled "Really?" Serena asked "Tonight is all about starting over, I wanted it start with Maddy and end with you S" Blair and Serena smiled, "Well then I will be honored to serve you my queen!" Serena laughed and bowed her head on Blairs lap. "Well, you're bringing Dan right? Madeleine is bringing Henry." 

     This question made Serena pale and wince "I know him B! A masked ball? Dan would never wanna go to something that pretentious. Where he has to wear a tux and a mask." Madeleine and Blair rolled their eyes when Serena gave an excuse "If he likes you he would wear a tux, a mask, and walk through fire wearing a dress form Blairs mom if it meant he could go to an event with you!" Madeleine slapped the blondes arm. 

     "Are you worried he already has a date? I mean come on it's Dan Humphrey. Invite him, I insist" Blair said shoving Serenas phone at her. Serena stumbled over her words much to Blair and Madeleine's dismay, until little Jenny Humphrey came in with a dozens boxes Serena rambled and then abruptly ended the call. Jenny had angry smile and left to go on another wild goose chase. "I think I need a date" Serena said with a concerned look. Madeleine and Blairs jaw simultaneously dropped.

     "Who does that Dan Humphrey think he is! Serena is putting up a strong front, but I can see how hurt she is. We have to help her heal her heart" Blair said standing with her right hand man and in front of the minions. "But it's pretty late" Kati said "Yeah most of the good ones are taken" Iz said agreeing. "No more excuses, Serena must have the hottest date ever, If he's got plans he'll change them. If he's got a girlfriend, he'll dump her. Make it happen." Blair said with a scowl "But M already has the hot It boy, he's Mr. Legacy" Iz pouted. Madeleine raised an eyebrow "Flattered, I guess Serena will get second best" she giggled. the two immediately got on theirs phones searching for an eligible bachelor. 

Why is it that friends of Serena Van Der Woodsen have to search for her suitor? Have fables fallen so out of fashion that the princesses have to do everything themselves? Call us old school, but sometimes the Fairy Tale ending requires the Knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.

 On the Upper East Side appearances are often deceiving. From friends to hair color there's always more than meets the eye. 

     Madeleine was sipping on a Bellini while glancing around the room looking for her boyfriend. She found humor in what Blair planned on Nate, so her and Henry decided to play the game themselves. She knew he had an animal mask, and he knew she was wearing white. While having a look around she felt an arm pull her over "What is Nate doing, I'm losing heat" Blair said angry "I gave him is first note, he's supposed to be looking for Kati and Iz" Madeleine said sipping her drink. "Well you look ravishing. If I were your man I wouldn't need clues to find you." Chuck said appearing  out of seemingly no where. "Or to ravish me, I'm sure" Blair rolled her eyes, Madeleine chugged her drink trying to not imagine her brother and best friend. "Who is that?" Chuck said spotting  a young preppy blonde "Probably some bitch from Chapin'" Blair rolled her eyes. "A hot bitch from Chapin" He said eyeing the girl. "Go point Nate in the right direction" Blair snapped. "If you'll excuse me" Chuck said making his way to the blonde. Madeleine took the chance to slip away not wanting to face the wrath of Blair Waldorf.

     After a couple hours Madeleine was five drinks in not having seen a single animal mask. "Is that...a cat?" she said squinting, seeing a man with plain black suit and bow tie with an elegant Merlot colored coat, purple gloves, cane and top hat. She thought the gloves and cane was a bit much but either way she had her man. "Hey! my little Tom Cat" She said wrapping her arms around him. "Mademoiselle!?" A familiar French accent came from the masked man. 

     Madeleine immediately removed her hands from the man "It's you!" she said shocked, she never thought she'd meet the Frenchman again. "You seem to be a bit friendly tonight mademoiselle" He laughed "I uh, a bit" she laughed, extremely embarrassed "Maybe I've had a few too many Bellini's" She swirled her drink around. "Madeleine!" a voice came behind her. she turned around to see a masked man with a rabbit mask in a plain black suit with a bowtie that was slightly pointier in comparison to the Frenchman's bowtie. "Henry!" she said glad to see him "Henry?" the Frenchman said taking off the mask. "Pierre?" Henry said slightly irritated taking off his mask "Pierre?" Madeleine said titling her head in confusion finally having a name for the face. "You know him?" Henry said feeling jealousy creep him. "She kissed me" The Blonde said with a smirk. 

What was it we said about appearances? Yes they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see it what you get.  

"You kissed him!" Henry said fully freaking out at this point. "Well not on purpose! He kissed me" She said trying to relieve his stress but only making is worse "You fucking kissed her!" he said getting in his face. Madeleine slid her self between the two "It's fine it was before I even met you she said taking one last chance on defusing a situation. he sighed "Fine." 

     "But why are you even here you ass?" he said irritated "Well my parents found out, your parents are enrolling you into the St. Jude's. So here I am copain!" Pierre said slapping Henry's shoulder, earning a harsh glare from him. "Let's go we're leaving, and I win." Henry said grabbing Madeleine's hand.

Oh yes, the other part we love about a masquerade. When the mask finally comes off and the truth is revealed to all.

There's a fire like right out side my house and WW3 is about to kick off but the show must go on y'all, xoxo not gossip girl.

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