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He embraced me into a hug.

After a while , he let me go.
I was looking at him with confusion then he suddenly kiss my forehead and bid bye to me.

Suga pov

I never imagined to be like that toh her .
I let my aggressive side to her a bit, I ,myself in confusion that what I have done before but I don't know now how many time I can deny my feelings.
But one thing I know that I am into her and no one can stop me from that.

Gungun pov

He literally hug me and now this kiss.
It's really confusing to be like this I am going to be crazy because of him.
I never imagined him to be like this ,it's first time he get jealous but his words  really  give me shivers now and then also.

I was lost in my thoughts when someone knock at my door.

"Come in" I said

"Hello,my lady " He said

As soon as I see him I jumped with joy and give him a cute smile and said"welcome back , dino"

Well , dino is my secretary and my brother whom I save in an accident.
After that accident he lived with me and now he wants to be my secretary so I never denied because he is a very nice person I could ever know.

"You didn't forget me . I am right "

Yes ,you are.

Dino let's go to eat something I said while taking my bag.

It's not lunch time and not the time of work off .so be here and do your work .I will bring you coffee.
He said with straight face

I pouted as he is the one who make me work because I always work when I am in my mood to do it but he always tell me to do my work in working hour.

He went to take my coffee as I start doing my work .

He brings me coffee and sat on the couch with his laptop because he needs to re-schedule my work for 1 week as I am going to Aastha weeding next week in London.

"Finally,  it's over." I sat on my chair with a sigh

"Good, now let's go to eat something. " He said

" I am not going,  you made my mood bad , now I don't want to go" I said with angry face

" Ooh, looks like noone wants to eat my handmade paasta. Fine , I will eat myself." He said

"I am hungry, let's go" I said while standing from my chair
As I can deny anything but not his handmade paasta it's been 1 year since I didn't eat that , so now I can't deny that.

Let's go he said while giving his arm .
I reached him and wrap my hand around his arm and head out from my cabin.

when I reached to lift it opened and Suga with jk was there .

Jk needs some changes in his outfit so I decided to go with him as I can't leave gungun alone with him. We reached to building an take the lift.
As soon as I was on the 12th floor the gate opens and I saw gungun with a man .
She has wrapped her hand around his arm and standing and talking as soon she see us.

Gungun pov

I saw Suga and JK in lift . I can say they were stunned seeing me with a man as their eyes was telling it .

Suga saw me said" We need to talk."

There is seriousness in his voice as I said

JK :- actually, I need to change something in my outfit so I came here with Suga hyung.

Gungun:- you can just message me I have made that.

JK:- I wanted to but I think I will ask you to go on lunch with us and rest members. So , I wanted to ask you in person. But looks like you are busy with your boyfriend.

Ah!no, no ,no.
He is not my boyfriend ( I smiled)
Meet him Dino.he is my secretary and my brother as well.
I said while unwrapping my hand around dino arms.

Dino:- hello nice to meet you
He handshake with JK and extended his hands to Suga .
Suga also take his hand and do the handshake but he was holding it for 1 minutes and he was glaring at Dino and saying hello, again and again while Dino was also doing the same.

"Okay, let's go to my cabin and JK sorry I will be unable to join the lunch as I am going with Dino."I said while seeing the situation because it can become worse after.

Dino:- let's join them , sweety. I can make       you dinner . Okay
      I nodded.

Suga pov
I was not ready to let go his hand while gungun said and I let go his hand but she denied lunch proposal .
Dino said her to join us but as soon as he said sweety I was shocked she never let me call her name but this he called her sweety.

We went to cabin.

"I want this changes "JK said

"Okay" gungun replied with a smile

Gungun and Dino asked us to share location so they can reach their.

Gungun pov
I was ready while Dino gave me a bottle of juice and I drank it and left for the location where the lunch was with Dino.

As soon as I reached there I walk inside with Dino .

I can hear whispering of people as they were saying we look good together and we are cute.
I and Dino ignore them and head to the table where the others were .

RM:- Gungun , your bf is handsome .
JIN:- he is cute.

They all take him as my bf except Suga and Jk as they knew the truth.

"Wait, he is not my bf." I said

"What??  You are lying, I know. "J hope said

Suga suddenly said" He is not her bf, he is her secretary and brother. Understand, don't disturb her."

Yahh! That's what I want to say (I said with awkward smile)

We take our seat and I Sat beside Dino while I was about to take wine Dino stopped me and hand me a glass of juice .

As he said "better, you don't drink, sweety  ."

I nodded.

As I heard fake coughing from jhope and jimin.

I glared at them as I said"

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