each other

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I was curious who was the person , I really wanna give him a best scene murder so he will never forget about it.

I walk inside the elevator to go to the dinner party as my sweetheart was waiting for me .

I am sure that I will never let her remember those painful memories. I will protect her forever, I thought and the elevator open revealing a person whom I never wanted to see.

A annoying and stupid one as I walked towards the person he approached me to shake hand.

After scanning the environment,
I extended my hand to shake with him and said
"Hello Charlie " with a forced smile that I have to give him.

Charlie:- hello Mr. Min hope you are good
Suga:- yes I am
Charlie:- enjoy the party
Suga :- yes you too

As we talked I saw Gungun coming towards us . She stood beside me and said
"Hello Mr. Charlie how are you?"
Charlie:- I am good dear hope you are too
Gungun:- yeah , enjoy
Charlie:- how could I enjoy?

He said looking at me and then Gungun.
As she replied
Gungun: why ?? Is there something not likable
Charlie:- no it's not like that everything is likable but the stunning beauty of yours is like illusion I am getting lost in you .

As he said those words to her a anger runs through my mind and I would have punched him if we weren't at an event .
I was damn sure.

Before she could say anything I said
" It's true so I wanted some private time with my gf ."

I said and hold her hand and walk towards the restroom leaving that annoying person behind us.

I saw Suga and Charlie talking with each other.
So,I walked towards them and approach them we were having a nice talk when Charlie said me beautiful but in a way which was not pleasing to my boyfriend as I can see when he interrupt our talk and hold my hand Ann walk towards restroom.

"Bye Charlie we will talk later" I said to mr Charlie and waved my hand .
He waved me back .

When we were on hallway I was literally loosing my patient he wasn't even answering my questions.

I was frustrated now and I said " What are you doing Mr min , where are we going say something "

He was not even saying anything until we walk inside the restroom and he slam the door and pin me to it .

I have never seen him like that this was the first time he was so furious.

"Suga...wh..at.." I didn't even complete my sentence I was nervous and don't know what will happen next .

He pull me close by my waist and lift my chin and looked deeply in my eyes and locked his lips on mine and the kiss was  passionately done by him but I can feel the jealousy through it as he was eating my lips non-stop.

I was about to out of my breath when he realized it he take step back .
I catch my breathe and looked at him .

He fell down on his knees and wrap his hands around my waist.
I placed my hands on his head and moves his hair .

" I love you baby " He said and till then I knew why he was saying this .

I unwrap his hands from my waist and bent down on my knees to face him.
"I know love you were jealous that time ,I love you and only you forever and ever ."

I said those words as he look at me when I kissed him on his lips.

Someone knocked at the door
I opened it
I saw gita there
" dinner is outside" she said as I know it is outside
"I know it is outside "
I said as I was fed up with her silly answers

" ya you know 😏  then why were you two eating each other " she said my eyes widened like how she knows
I looked at Suga who already turned around so he could not face us .
Like he was really smart .

"Smart move mr'' I mumbled

And looked back at Gita
"It's not like that " I said making sure it was nothing

"Yeah yeah Nothing " she said seemed sure about it.

I was stepping outside the room When she told me " fix your lipstick miss, then come"

After those words my mind crossed what she was trying to tell me for the whole time .
Such a embarrassed moment I felt that time .
I went inside room and fixed my makeup.

Suga:- see u later baby

"Ya ya go you smart dude" I said while annoyed with the lipstick

He laughed and head back .

I also head back after a while and had dinner .

My friends and we had a great talk .

I went back to my room and changed my clothes .

Suga came to room and changed too.
He lied on the bed and said " tired babe"

That make me blush .

"Yes a bit" I said and sat on the bed .

"So now I have to do all the work " He said  which make me confuse but soon I get it .

"Not today baby you already made me embarrassed infront of my friend " I said knowing his wills

"But it was okay they know" He said while pulling me into the bed.

"Yeah know know but I am tired" I said as he knows

" I know I was teasing you baby how could i work when i alreadyhad a taste of the rose petal before the dinner i am full but next time i will not tell you " He said As smirk plaster on his face

"Oh so u now mister thought of a way for it " I said as I hit his chest " so flirty"

"Yeah yeah " He said
And ran his fingers on my tummy

I laughed " it tickles " I scream as I make him laugh too

We both laughed and stop then he spread his arm and i use it like a pillow and hugged him , he hugged me back .

after a while

we fell asleep .

Steps steps steps
"Looks like my action are not that big miss Gungun."

The person at the door said as he heard the laughing sound of her and Suga.

He walk towards the balcony and stared at the sky.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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