the night

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This is a little mature content,  so read it if you are used to it.

Hope you will like it.

Comment your thoughts as well.

We arrived home.
I get out from the car and was about to head inside when Suga grabbed me and captured me between him and the car .

"What are you doing, Suga. We are outside. " I said because I know anyone will see us .

"You like to be with Charlie,  why he is so close to you?" He asked and the jealousy and angerness is clearly visible on his face .

"Baby, he was just a customer but I think someone is jealous. " I said to him looking at his face

"Yes I am " He said in cold voice
"I hate when you approach other men than me , I hate it " he added

"I know but this is my work and I am not close to him and not others ."I said to him in cute tone

"Okay promise " He asked

Then he was about to kiss me but I bring my hand between us . He back off and looked furious that why I stopped him by doing this.

"Why stopped me?"He asked curiosily

"Well remember Mr.min. go kiss your classmate not me " I said teasing him

"That was....." He was saying but I interrupt him and said
"not a chance"
I ran back inside but i heard him saying
" that was  a mistake "

I was inside the house on sofa while he came and was about to sit when I said
"Wait , if you have to say anything say it while standing there."

He stood up and started "Baby, that was a mistake.  I was framed by my class. I didn't like anyone that time but now I like you and you are my special and you are the one I love."

"Okay then prove it" I said to him while crossing my arm .

"How" He asked to me

"Uhm , stand on your one leg and raise your hands " I said to him

"But it's hard " He said
"Are you doing it or not?" I said to him with straight face

He stand up on his one leg and raise his hand .

I was enjoying looking at his face while he  was standing.

After half an hour
I let him go

"Now you can go" I said to him while he sit on the chair and said " now give me a kiss."

"No " I said while standing from soda

"What " He said

I just look at him and said " take it if you want and ran to upstairs "

He was unable to stand because of the bit exercise

" I will get it wait you little " He said and I heard it
I know he will say that so before he come I get into the shower.

I turn off the tap and wear my nightsuit and sneak into the room to see if he is there or not .

He was not there so I entered the room and turned left when I saw him standing there with a smirk on his face .

"Ahhhh..hhhhhhhh! " I screamed

He laughed at my reaction and said " I got you babygirl  "

I ran from there but he was quick enough to catch me .

He hugged me from behind and said "you gonna regret it I told you that give me a kiss but"

I interrupt him and said "okay I will give you a kiss"

CASUAL LOVE || Suga FFWhere stories live. Discover now