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Until she said " I know you don't know about it yet and trust me I was recovering from it . I don't know where from that man came ."

She said as I can sense the explanation she was trying so that I will not feel like outsider.

" I am sorry baby , I left you earlier I didn't know how to react on that time . I was drenched in my feelings.  I ....I....I...didn't even notice when I say those painful words to you . I am sorry. "
I explained as my eyes were stuck on her and my hands still hugging her.

I thought he left me because of the sudden outcomes and unrevealed truth by me but I was wrong he came back and he apologise for his words that time . I always dreamed to get a man like him and I have him .
When he says those word my heart ache as I am never so opened infront of him and I wanted to realize him that he is the only one.

I break our hug and I cupped his face in my small hands.
"No sorry babe. I didn't tell you that's why you get these thoughts, now I promise to tell you everything. "

I said those words he looked at me and pull me into a hug .
"Don't worry now I am all ears "
He said signalling me to open in front of him.

I fixed my position in his arm and started my story.

"So, it is a long time ago . It's about last year when I found someone has been stalking me everytime . One day,I tell my friends and they suggest me to be careful and to hire some bodyguards for me. In the same night ,someone broke into my house and he was the stalker . He tied me on my own house for one day and the way he behave....d was....."

I stopped because it was painful and my heart started beating fastly.

"Was......I am here with you baby don't worry "
Suga said and his words was enough to give me relief.

I continued
"Was very bad and psychopathic.  I could see his madness for me. At noon I sneaked and called police and msg my friend about the situation but he find out about it. After he forcefully tried to have me and then my friends resuced me but it was late I was sexually harrased by him so I always ended up getting nightmare but today incident is like that so I got a panic attack from it ."

I tell him everything and every side of the story.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier.  I was afraid th....h...at yo.....ou..will leave me because nobody wants a girl like ......"

I didn't complete my sentence when Suga faced me and kissed me . I felt the love and care in that kiss.

He distance himself and asked "how the feeling of it you find,what was in it?"
He asked me with all hope.

"Tell me"

I was explaining when he said "I love you my baby not what you were and what you will be , I love you and only you. UNDERSTOOD "

He said and I nodded in response.

"Now tell me who the person was ?"
He asked very curiosily

"He fleed that day " I said looking down

"But he had been arrested " He said in shock

"All of them think he was arrested but only I know that he flee that day I told police but the person who was there committed to be him and police told me that I was not mentally stable so I mixed up things. But trust me Suga he was not the one. "
I said looking at him with teary eyes.

"Then who was he ? Didn't you find"
He asked me with a look of disbelief

"I wanted to but I didn't wanted to experience it more and more so I didn't and decided to never be alone."
I said and stand up from bed

Suga hugged me from back and said
" It's totally okay, now you forget about this one also and leave the matter to me ."

I nodded in response.

"Go get ready we will go for dinner now."
He said gave me a forehead kiss and signal me to go.

I took my clothes and went to change it.

Meanwhile SUGA POV

I never imagined that my stalking will hurt her but I get clicked into my mind that I never allowed anyone to broke into her house and I also myself never did it.
I found something wrong and called my friend

??:- Mr.min how are you?
Suga:- I am good and I got a job for you.
??:- go ahead there is nothing I can't do
Suga:- I know that's why I called you .
??:- yeah , tell me whom
Suga:- I want to know that ever any men send by me to stalk miss G , had broke into her house or not and if not then find me who did it. I want it tomorrow morning.
??:- looks like you love her so much Mr.min
Suga:- don't start now , I will send you location where we meet tomorrow
??:- okay okay coldy I knew it . Your work will be done boss.
Suga :- no mistakes
??:- gotcha

I hung up the call and now I wanted to know who did it . If it was from my men they will dead for sure .

"Suga, how's it?" I walked towards him and asked him about my dress.

"Looking pretty my baby" He said and comes to me and pulled my cheeks

"Ahhhh..hh...I am not a kid why did you do that" I screamed at him because that hurts thou.
He ran away from there and I ran behind him
"You Mr.devil wait there " I screamed in the corridor when he stopped and I bumped into someone.

"Aditi" I said
Aditi:- miss Gungun behave yourself this is hotel not your house where you two can fight.

"Hmm....yeah" I said while scratching my neck

Suga was laughing at my situation . I give him a glare that he will be dead today as I walked inside the elevator with Aditi.

Aditi:-Mr.mim wanna come

"No I need something from my room I will be back soon . You guys carry on"
I said and head to the room When I received a text message that

[There was no men of ours did that accident it was someone else who too stalked her.]

As I read the message my heart came on fire and I can feel anger running through my body as I clenched my fist .

Suga said with a fire in his eyes and the darkness of her words was enough to show that he is going to take revenge from that person who made her baby suffer.


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