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I woke up and get fresh.
Suddenly I feel someone is in my kitchen, I went downstairs but there is noone.
I feel someone is behind me but when I turn back there is noone.

I called Dino

"Where are you?" I asked

I am out of town for the project resources.
What happened??

I think someone is in my house and I feel a presence but don't know who is ??
(I said nervously)

What , I will come now .wait for me .

No,no,just do your work . I will call police .okay


I hung up and called police the number was dialled and they received the phone but I was about to say I heard a person coming.

I immediately hide behind the curtains of sofa and sit there .

The person was searching but from window I saw a person I sign him fir help.
Lucky me he was good enough to know that sign of help.

He sign me he will come now.

After few minutes,
I feel no sense of anyone then I decided to come out from my place.
As soon as I came out and turn left I see a person with mask standing inside kitchen.
My main door was open the person is about to come to me and I was well prepared to fight with him.

He came to me walking slowly and he was about to reach me and I was also prepared to give him a punch but Suddenly a punch behind the door hit his face and he fell down on the ground.
I saw the person coming inside as soon as he turns towards me I recognized him . He was the person whom I asked for help.

He hit the person then the police came and take the person.
The police officer asked me if I ever been stalked.

"What?.?..? Stal....
I was just stunned by their words

No , i don't feel ( I said )

Okay then if it happens again call us please.


The police man left.

I saw the person who saved me I go to him.and said" Thank you so much for saving me"

"Mention not , my name is Charlie"
He said and extended his hand

"My self Gungun" I shake hand with him.

I saw Suga coming in a hurry he was looking for me and when he reaches me he daw Charlie he was about to punch him as I stepped in.

"Mr. Min you got the wrong person. He saved my life." I said

'Oh I thought he was the one' He said stepping back.

"Hello my friend, how are you?"Charlie asked Suga

" you two know each other" I asked

Suga said no and Charlie said yes

What ,just tell me.

'Yes ,we were schoolmates.'Suga said

'Add one more,business pertner"Charlie said

"Okay ,don't talk about it I just need to install cctv here " I said
" you should and why didn't you tell me anything, you tell him" Suga said

I explained everything to Suga and he understands it all but also told me to stay away from Charlie as I asked the reason but he didn't tell.

CASUAL LOVE || Suga FFWhere stories live. Discover now