not there

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We landed .

There were many people waiting for us as you know I love doing fashion show and some of my fans and some media were there.

I walk with my friends toward them.
We gave some poses and I take some pictures with my fan because you know there are only few people who follow designer this much .

We bid farewell and got on the car to reach the hotel .

On the way

I was going through my phone when I receive a mail , I open it and looked there were some picture of mine from the airport so I just smiled and let it be.

Astha:- so miss Gungun ready to be with Mr min.

I looked at her.

"Isn't he in the another room?" I asked beach of her question or maybe I fear that they know about us.

Astha:- girl, my wedding is like couple romance . Have you forgotten bachelor party night, the chits.

It hit my mind .
I was very happy from inside and was flutter to just imagine it with my eyes and my beyond imagined pics with him .

I came to my sense .

"Oh. Ya I remember, let see what will happen." I said because I didn't want to make things clear about us now.

Aditi:- I am excited
Gita:- I am also, I am going to live with my bf . (Yahooo)

Anaya:- yes we are excited because of it as we get some time with our boyfriends buy think about gungun, her first ever live in one room, locked door and only love between them .. who knows what will happen.

The words by her make me flutter more but I gotta keep it down for sure.

I glared at her and said "nothing will happen,  I will control myself. "
I said and then they all started laughing

Gita:- who doesn't know how to control her anger will control anything else

Astha:- yes you are right

They were laughing very hard .

I took my phone and look on at I saw pics of some cars and places .
These were the places we were going to reach house .

I show these pic to my friend and they said "it's cute and well captured " I agree with them as they were really beautiful and moment captured pics.

I share one of those pic to my insta story with an #sendbymyfan (thanks for the moment).
I really loved the pic .

We arrived to the hotel we get our room keys  and our rooms were on 10th floor.

(In the elevator )
Anaya:- someone will be mangel soon.are you happy friends?

Astha:- yes hope we will have another wedding soon.

I know they all are talking about me and who tells them that I already in love with someone and that someone is the one they are excepting from me but I didn't dare to tell them now . I should get some time.

(My phone rang)
I looked on it and it's from Suga.

Gita saw the name .

Gita:- speak of devil (She laughed)

Aditi:- huh?
Astha:- what ?

Gita:- someone pick up your phone otherwise mr.min will come here to pick you up.

Her words were enough for everyone to know who it is.
Everyone coughed*

"Okay , don't worry , I am picking it up and don't giggle you all stupid dumb people "

They all roll their eyes .

I pick up the call.
Suga:- have you reached there?

"Ya ,just on the elevator "

Suga:- okay, are you with your friends?


Suga:- then don't say anything but I love you.

As he said that my eyes widened and I was there standing without any response.

Gita shook me and then I come to sense

"Okay okay " I said to him

Suga:- okay ,be safe and take care , miss you
"Already" I said and also"bye" I hung up the phone

My friends were looking at me through whole conversation and I said "it's normal for 2 days I was at his home "

They all sound "hmmm"

We reached to our floor and the door opened we head outside and said each other to meet at evening.

Aditi:- look like you love him so much gungun

"Whom?" I asked as they were looking at me like they are throwing me out of the floor.

Ananya:- the one your childhood crush ,isn't it?

"Yeah of course I love him till my last breath but why are you asking all of a sudden? " I replied as it really weird to ask them now

Astha:- well someone is waiting for you behind.
She point behind me .

I was confused like seriously they were like what they all doing it like that.

"You know what I am really confused as f, be clear dude and if you don't wanna then let me sleep in the peace.  Okay I am being clear and who is behind me you all are like you have seen someone that has to do something with my love life ."
I said in one breathe and took my luggage and turn around to go to my room

When a thunder from cloud fall on the earth with so much less effort it still left the biggest effect and I was unbelievable by the person I am seeing infront of me and then when realisation hit me even harder in this spectacular moment of my life and it's really like I have done some of the sins , that is taking revenge on me.

I couldn't help but shatter at the moment.

Suga is standing infront of me and the things I have said is really hitting my head even harder than when I  spilled it out of my mouth.

Suga:- hello everyone,  I am early looks like you guys need some rest, have it soon we will talk at evening.

Everyone waved and went to there room and i and him was left alone in the corridor.

He came close to me and grabbed my hand and tell me to take some rest .

I tried to explain everything but he said "We will talk about it later , rest early you must be tired " He said and left

I went behind him but he has closed the door from outside.
I kick the door and thought to rest as it is the only option left with me .

I went to bed and as soon as I lay on it I fall asleep.

Suga pov

When she tells she has a childhood crush and she will live him forever.
I thought I was just a substitute for him but I calmed myself as her words make me feel that she is tired.
After greeting her friends I grab her hand and tell her to have some rest . She tried to explain but I locked the door from outside and came back after a while I knock before coming but there was no response so I just entered in the room.

When I went inside I saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed and mine bed was just three steps left from her .

She was looking like a cute angel who has anger issue and too much of it.
But still she the kindest person I ever meet.

I give her a forehead kiss and went for a shower.
I came back after taking a shower when I didn't found her on the  bed I look around for her even called her friend but she were not with them .
They told me that she must be downstairs but when I asked receptionist she told me noone is like her is there .

Then I asked manager for last 20 min cctv they send me of my floor but she didn't even went out from the room.

I was worried for her and sat on bed thinking about her and my actions before regretting to behave like that.

" Where are you baby?" I said and put my hand on my head.

CASUAL LOVE || Suga FFWhere stories live. Discover now