New story

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I gave up on the other idea, it was boring bc idk what to do on the camp bit so I'm gonna make a new story instead.
In this story:
Friday is secretly athletic, an artist, good at singing, dancing and plays most instruments (mainly acoustic guitar). The only person that knows this her cousin Amber.

Highcrest has no device policy unless it's a laptop, used for work in the common/study room. She secretly snuck a phone to school and had it for the last 4yrs.

Ian didn't go to Italy, and she is 16 Ian is 17. They're not in a relationship... yet.

She also has cute 'shape' and whatever, but she wears brown cardigan and baggy t-shirts to cover. Her cousin Amber is the closest family member and her brothers, sisters and parents are like the ones in the book (ignoring her existence). Uncle Bernie is not her uncle he is her godfather, but not really close with her.

In Friday's POV

(Friday singing in her dorm)

*Play song above. The one with playing the instrument is Friday and the other one is her cousin; Amber (in her dorm on video call)

'Knock knock knock' I heard someone knocking on the door "Bye Amber! gotta go," I wave at my phone. I started to panic, what if they heard me singing. I quickly button up my cardigan over my crop top and shorts, to make sure nobody knows I wear other stuff than my periodic table pj's or my cardigan and jeans, then I shove my guitar into its case and under my bed. I unlock the door peeking out into the hallway, in front of me there was a very familiar figure. "Took you long enough, you know how embarrassing it is to be standing here," Ian remarks "Omg I'm so sorry, come in, come in" Ian walked in and sat on my bed. I closed the door and walked over. "Hey, were you listening to sweet but psycho?" Ian asks me. "No, I mean yeah, yeah I was," I say. Ian raised his eyebrows. "Definitely not singing it" I mumbled quietly.

Ian looked at me, then smiled, "that's my favourite song." He then looked down trying to figure something out. "HANG ON A SECOND!" He exclaims "You don't have a phone, plus we're not allowed electronics anyways," then he pauses "The lyrics were different, it sounded like a duet." Ian looked at me again and shook his head. "You can't..." he started "Ok ok fine yes I was the one singing it, singing is one of my secret passions, and one of my deepest secrets" I interrupted. Ian looks at me wide eyed. "Prove it," then he looked at my legs and said "you could've told me that you were changing." I smile and blushed, then shook my head. I started to unbutton my cardigan, Ian was confused and then covered his eyes with his hands. "No it's ok" I say confidently. He uncovers his eyes and sighs, then he looks awestruck. "What?!" I say uncomfortably. "Nothing" he says "you look beautiful". I flushed pink and grabbed the duffel bag under my bed. I scurried through it to eventually find my mic. Then I get my guitar from its case and ask "Are you sure you want me to sing" "Yeah" he smirks "what song?" "Idk, up to you" "Enchanted by Tay Tay" he nods and sits there silently.

I project my voice beautifully while strumming at my guitar. My mic was clipped onto my shirt. This was the moment I've been waiting for, to sing free fully in front of my crush (not that I'll admit that) without be afraid of someone finding out.

All of a sudden, the door clicks open, Melanie enters, I look behind her and outside was not one or two, but a group of people.

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