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I started to walk towards the stage my friends were giving me encouraging looks, while Mirabella on the other hand gave me a... I don't know what kind of look, but then again I am bad at social interaction and emotions so I blame myself.

Once I reached the stage, I shivered, I realised I had to sing this in front of the whole school. "What do you want me to do" I ask quietly. (Dr Belcredi>) "Ok Friday I need you to tell me the truth now, do you have a device at school?" I shook my head. She says "Friday I would like you to sing the song you were 'singing' in your dorm for us in front of everyone. Also the old headmaster is here so he would love to hear you tell us the truth," she gave me the fakest smile in the world and walked off.

I tapped the mic and announced quietly "It is I, Friday Barnes, and tonight I'll be revealing one of my biggest secrets. My singing skills," with that closed my eyes and projected my voice in a soft and sweet way.
(Play song above)
Once I finished it was silent for a moment since everyone was awestruck. Then they applauded. Mirabella was filled with jealousy, I smiled to myself.
"Thank you for the wonderful performance Friday," Dr. Belcredi says. Ms. Lovell my music teacher insisted that I joined choir, but I politely declined the offer.

(Sorry For the short Chapter)

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