Chapter 11

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Rafe's Pov

I just got done doing a line with Topper and I can feel the high hitting inside me. I know I told Molly I wasn't going to do anymore, but she went home she'll never know. Besides, this is a one night thing, it's not going to spiral like it did last time. "Rafe! Yo Rafe!" I looked over to see Kelce.

"What's up man?"

"Did uh...did Molly say where she was going when she left?" He asked, and instantly my stomach sank at his words. I have a feeling whatever he says is about to ruin this high and it's only going to piss me off more.

"She was going home." I replied. "Why?"

"Listen maybe I misheard her but..." He trailed off like he doesn't want to finish the sentence.

"What is it Kelce." I pushed him.

"She was on the phone outside and all I heard was thanks Pope I'll be there in 10." Anger ripped through me at his words. There's no way she's going to meet up with Pope right now. I can feel my thoughts starting to spiral and the high is now overshadowed by them. He texted her this morning asking where she was and now she's meeting up wit him late at night. "Dude." I was pulled from my thoughts to see my knuckles had turned white from clutching a fist so tight.

"Rafe you okay man?" I looked over at Topper.

"I'm gonna kill that Pogue."


Molly's Pov

I got to the Ship Wreck and walked inside to see them all eating. "There she is!" JJ chirped and I walked over to them before sitting down.

My stomach growled at the sight of the food and I realized how little late today.

"How's Kook life?" JJ asked and I groaned.

"Boring. I got dragged to some stupid party I couldn't wait to leave." They all gave me sympathetic looks.

"Thanks for letting me meet here."

"You're one of us, remember?" Kie repeated Pope's words from earlier and I smiled at them. These are some of the most genuine people I've ever met. As the other customer's cleared out Kie put on the radio and her and John B started dancing first, then JJ came over to me and held out his hand dramatically, making me laugh before taking it and the two of us joined in.

After a few minutes of dancing I felt bad and dragged Pope over to join us. I know JJ wants me to shut down any hope of me and him but I don't want him feeling left out either. We all danced and had a great time for a while then decided to call it a night. I decided to sleep over Kie's place so she could fill me in on what I missed.


Before we went to sleep last night she told me that they found a letter and a recording from John B's dad that basically told them that the gold from the Royal Merchant exists and he gave them a map with coordinates to where it's buried. Now, they're trying to find a way to get down there so they can dig up the ship and get the gold. Apparently they managed to steal an underwater drone type of thing from the junkyard so tomorrow we're going to work on getting it low enough to see the wreck. The next morning I headed outside of the dock by JU's house to see the guys have everything set up and are testing out the camera. JB and Kie were underwater and we watched as the camera caught them clearly.

"God bless geeks man truly." JJ applauded Pope's work, and JB and Kie emerged.

"Once we get the footage we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim." JB said.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now