Chapter 22

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Molly's Pov

I sat in the back of the Twinkie while John B drove Sarah and I towards our houses. The two of them are having a conversation up front and I scrolled through my phone. They were laughing when suddenly we could hear motorcycles. "Shit, that's Rafe." Sarah stated. I sat up and looked out the window to see him gesturing for John B to pull over. I let out a sigh, knowing this is definitely not going to be good.

"I got this." Sarah told us and I got out along with John B as the two of them bickered back and forth. I can tell she doesn't "got this" so l rushed over to them.

"Listen the guy that you two robbed is a bad man Sarah!" He warned her as I appeared beside her.

"Yeah I'm aware Rafe!" she fired back.

"He gave me this!" He showed us a bad burn mark on his arm. "For being late on a payment and you already know he kidnapped her for it too!"

"Because you wanted to buy a stupid bike!" She fought back.

"Listen to me! Listen to me!" He's screaming now and I can tell he's flying off the handle. "You two stole from him alright?! What do you think he's going to do to you two?! Or your little Pogue boyfriend!" He gestured to John B. The two of them continued fighting back and forth.

"Guys." I tried to butt in but they keep going.

"I would give him his money back like yesterday." Rafe tried to warn her but she's too angry to listen to him.
"You worry about your shit and I'll worry about mine!" She fired back at him.

"I AM TAKING CARE OF MY OWN SHIT OKAY!" He screamed, face turning red and I can tell he's lost it. Sarah and I both stared at him in shock. "You know one day I'm going to be running the show and-and you're gonna wish that you had been nicer to me." He threatened her.

"Guys." I tried again but they aren't listening.

"Why don't you give me a save-the-date on that you psycho!"

"Alright enough!" I stopped her from pushing him further. "Look I'll get Barry the money today okay."

"How?" Sarah asked, and I can definitely dig up enough stuff in my house or at least give him some of it to hold him over.

"Can you give me a ride to my place?" I asked Rafe and he nodded.

"No! You can't leave with him!" Sarah argued and as much as I'd rather not I know he's got a point.

"Rafe's right Sarah I don't want Barry coming after us. The sooner we take care of this bullshit the better."
Rafe handed me his helmet to put on and she gave me a worried look and I gave her a small smile to tell her I'll be okay.


Rafe took me back to the house and I got off the bike before handing him back his helmet and walking towards my front door.
Unfortunately for me, he followed. "Thanks for the ride Rafe, you can go now." I told him, hoping he gets the hint that I don't want to talk to him right now. Pulling out 25k in cash from the bank is going to raise flags on our accounts so l either have to give Barry something equal in value or he'll get paid in installments. I opened the door and for some reason he still followed me inside. Thankfully, both of my parents cars are gone so the house is empty. I sighed and stopped, turning to face him. "Rafe I said leave."

"I'm not leaving." He responded and I rolled my eyes.

"This isn't your problem." I huffed, trying to get him to go.

"I'm not letting you go to Barry's by yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"No it's too dangerous." I shook my head at this and walked upstairs to go to my dad's office where the safe is. "What?" He asked, referring to me shaking my head at him.

"it's just funny to me that now all of the sudden you care about my safety." I responded, still walking ahead of him. We got to the top of the stairs and he grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I scoffed at this.

"Do you really need me to spell it out for you?!" I snapped, over the fact that he doesn't realize that him doing the things he does puts other people in danger. "Because of you I was kidnapped and held at gunpoint!"

"I didn't know he was gonna do that." He replied like that somehow makes it better. I pulled my wrist out of his grip and stormed down the hall to the office.

"It doesn't matter Rafe, because whether you thought it would or not, it did happen." I walked inside the office and went behind one of the mirrors to reveal the safe.

"I didn't-If I had known..."

"I don't want to hear it." | stopped his bullshit explanation, and entered in the code for the safe.

"No but you need-"

"Rafe stop." I warned him, feeling my anger and frustration bubbling up inside me. He can never take any genuine accountability. The safe beeped and lit up green in front of me.

"I'm just trying to-"

"Rafe I don't want to-"

"LISTEN TO ME!" He shouted so loudly it made me jump. I turned to face him and I can tell by the look on his face that he's getting into that state where he loses control. "I'm-I'm trying to explain what happened to you! And you keep cutting me off just listen to me!" I locked my eyes on him and judging by how hard he's breathing he's trying to calm himself down. "I didn't know Barry was going to do that. I didn't even think there was any possible way for you to be involved. The minute I got the call I found a way to get the money."

"You didn't Rafe, Ward did." I reminded him, that it was his dad who saved me, not him. "You know why?!" Now my anger is flying off the handle and I stormed towards him. "Because you can never take care of your own shit! Someone else always has to do it for you. Whether it's me or your dad or your friends, someone else always steps up for you!"

"That's not true!" He countered and I scoffed.

"Yes it is Rafe! I knew you didn't have the money to help me that day. Even Barry knows it! You depend on other people to do your dirty work for you because you're too much of a BITCH to take care of it yourself!" I turned back towards the safe and grabbed a stack of cash and one of my dad's guns before closing it and locking it. Rafe stared at me in shock, but sometimes the truth hurts. I stormed passed him and went to leave the room but he stopped me.

"So you don't think if my dad was there I would've taken care of it?" I shook my head no because I know he wouldn't have.

"You have no problem beating up people like Pope or JJ for fun, but if it came down to it to save me, I don't think you would." A wave of hurt flickered over his face at this but again it's the truth. Ward beat the shit out of Barry that night for kidnapping me, but Rafe didn't move a muscle. I slipped passed him this time and went downstairs before getting my keys and taking off towards Barry's place.


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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now