Chapter 26

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I spent the night at JJ's which was an interesting experience. I didn't want to go back to my house because I'm sure there's a good chance Ward already talked to my dad or is talking to my dad about what happened and I don't want him or Rafe showing up there. Thankfully JJ's dad wasn't around so he slept on the couch and let me stay in his room. He also filled me in on what actually happened on the boat and how Ward admitted to killing John B's father, then tried to kill him for not letting him in on the gold.

The next morning we went to the Chateau and met up with John B and Kie, where he told us that Ward somehow found out where the gold was and swiped it all overnight. "You're sure he got it all?" Kie asked.

"Every bar." He responded, and I shook my head angrily. It never amazes me how greedy people can be. "It's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." He slipped the cast off his wrist and tossed it on the ground angrily.

"John B." Kie scolded him.

"What Kie? It's a hairline fracture who cares?"

"You should, your arm is gonna be messed up for life."

"You better be careful John B." I told him. "Ward is going insane and he immediately told some bullshit story to Sarah and I about how you tried to kill him and stole his jet-ski."

"She believes him?" He asked and I shrugged, genuinely unsure.

"I'm sure deep down she doesn't but it's still her dad. I'm not sure what's worse, thinking your dad or your boyfriend is a murderer."

"Guys! Guys!" We looked over to see Pope running down the dock.

"Pope? How was your interview?" JJ spoke.

"Don't ask. Iran all the way here." Pope huffed out of breath. "JB Look I'm sorry dude about everything. But I don't have a lot of time and-and I have information that is tactically relevant."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, giving him a confused look.

"So before my interview my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane because it was too heavy. It needed a longer landing strip to take off." My eyes widened as I started to realize where he's going with this. "So I'm sitting there in my interview thinking to myself why would Cameron need a longer airstrip? What would be so heavy to weigh it down."

"Gold." JJ realized.

"That's right." John B sat up.

"Guys this is our chance, but it leaves tonight and we have to go."

"We can't give up now." Kie agreed and I nodded.

"What's the plan big man?" JJ asked.

"We're gonna steal that shit back."


We all piled into the Twinkie. JB and Kie up front and the rest of use in the back. I watched as JJ loaded his gun. "We go in there guns a blazing, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy and pile that shit up in the car." JJ explained the plan.

"Send that shit down the intercostal." JB continued

"Wait for the right weather." Kie added.

"And sail off to Cuba." Pope finished.

"Cuba? Nah man Yucatan." JJ argued. "Lobster's so big, and no word for money." We got to the air strip and ran up to a chain link fence that has barbed wire one top of it. Pope pulled out a set of binoculars and looked through it. "They're loading the gold onto the plane now." JB took the binoculars and looked through them.

"There's Ward." He told us as a car pulled up. We started to prepare for the plane but he hesitated.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, and he gave me a worried look.

"It's Sarah." My heart sunk at his words. Ward must really have brainwashed her into believing him.

"What? She's with him?" JJ asked shocked she would go. This changes things a bit.

"Wait a second." He stared through the binoculars. "He's hurting her!" JB hissed.


"They're fighting! Holy shit." He handed the binoculars to Kie and ran towards the car.

"John B." I warned him not to do anything stupid. We ran towards the car to stop him but he had already turned it on.

"STOP!" We tried but we had to jump out of the way as he drove straight through the fence sending pieces of it flying as he went towards the runway.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled and went to go after him but both Pope and JJ stopped me. We watched as Ward started the plane and turned it towards the runway where he's headed. "Ward's gonna kill him." Iirealized, and struggled against JJ. "Let me go!" I yelled, but he held me tighter. I watched a John B swung the car in front of the plane. "No! NO!" I yelled, and closed my eyes. I can't watch Ward kill him.

"JOHN B!" Pope yelled, and JJ held me tighter as I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs by fear. I could hear the sound of brakes squealing but no crash. I opened my eyes to see Ward stopped the plane. I felt relief wash through me, but it was short lived as sirens started blaring in the distance.

"Guys I can't get arrested." Pope said.

"I'm on probation." JJ reminded us as he let go of me.

"Guys." I begged them not to leave.

"Molly we're no good if we're all in jail." She said, and pulled me along with them. I don't want to leave JB but she's right. If he gets arrested I need to step in and figure out a plan to get him out which I can't do if I'm right there with him. I ran off with them and I hope to god John B is somehow able to talk his way out of this.


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