Chapter 38

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I sat in the back of Kie's car while it rolled down the highway next to JJ while Pope and Kie took the front seat. "This guy flies planes for my dad and Ward so he's pretty tight-lipped." I warned them. As soon as Rafe told me the pilot's name I recognized him from times we've flown with the Cameron's places on vacation.

"So then direct approach gets my vote." JJ responded, whipping out a gun and cocking it.

"JJ No!" Pope scolded him.

"Put that thing away dude." I huffed with an eye roll. A second murder in this town is not going to help anything.

"Look we gotta keep this simple or we're never gonna get John B off." He countered still insisting on using the gun.

"Or." Pope replied. "We just tickle the wire." He held up his case of air pods and showed them to us. "I plant my phone in his car, and we listen on these AirPods." We tested out the audio on Kie, and once we got onto Gavin's street we parked the car. Although Gavin isn't super wealthy, he has a decent sized ranch house on Figure Eight. "Alright, honk or yell or something if you see anything suspicious."

"Don't do anything dangerous." Kie pleaded with him and I raised my eyebrows. I assumed their little make out session was a result of the stress from the John B situation, but maybe it's something more after all
"Come on I'm not JJ." He teased and closed the car door disappearing from our sight.

" and Pope?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"It's good." She answered vaguely. I have a feeling she's not that into him but probably feels bad.

"In the bedroom is he like...kinda freaky cause it's Pope you know?" JJ asked and I let out a laugh as Kie scrunched her eyebrows in disgust.

"Why are you asking?"

"I don't know just kinda curious." He stated and an awkward silence loomed between us for a second before he broke it. "I'm just spitballing here."

"You don't need to spitball." She said, turning her attention out the window. "We could just sit in silence."

"Well I mean I already know what Molly's into." He continued, and I whipped around to face him and so did she. "You know exhibitionism and all that." Kie looked confused at this and so am I.

"Exhi-" I stopped short when I realized what he's talking about. I completely forgot about the day Rafe and I had sex in the parking lot at that bonfire party. It feels like forever ago now. "You creep!" I hissed, feeling embarrassment and anger flow through me that he watched that.

"Who does that?!"

"Me?! You were the one getting railed against someone's poor Nissan!" I rolled my eyes at this and hid my head in my hands. At least I was wearing a dress that day and it stayed on so I'm guessing the only nudity he actually witnessed was Rafe's bare ass.

"I told him he was a pervert for that." Kie backed me giving him an annoyed look.

"Wait so not only did you watch like some freak you also told them about it?!" If I could slink out of this car and die from embarrassment would.

"Back to Kie, who's better Pope or John B like ranking wise." I let out a sigh at his annoying questions and she looks just as irritated with him.

"Oh you're still asking." Thankfully, he didn't get to say anything else as Pope came jogging over and got in the car.

"Alright, phase one is complete." He spoke, oblivious to the awkwardness that was the passed few minutes. I guess he noticed the tension because he gave all of us a weird look. "What's...are we all good?" All of us nodded, not wanting to relive any part of that conversation.


We waited until it got dark and then had Kie talk to Gavin after calling him from an "unknown number."


"Hello." Kie stated in a strangled sounding man voice. "I can't." She whispered to us, knowing she doesn't sound convincing as a man and we encouraged her to keep talking.


"Is Gavin there?" She asked, in her normal voice.

"This is Gavin, who is this?"

"I know what happened on the tarmac." Gavin let out a nervous laugh at this before speaking again.

"Um...who's this?"

"It was Rafe Cameron." My eyes shot over to her at her words. I thought we all agreed on going after Ward first. "And you lied about it. You could have saved her Gavin, but you didn't. We're going to prove it."

"Who is this?! You listen to me-" Kie hung up before he could say anything else and I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Alright, we tickled the wire. Phase two complete. Now we wait." Pope said. Pope put the AirPod into his ear and we watched as Gavin's door opened. "Get down, get down." All of us laid back below the window line and watched as he drove off. "Go go." He told Kie and she put the car in drive so we could follow close enough behind to listen in.


We drove down the road and Pope was listening intently. "It's Ward, he's talking to Ward." My heart hammered in my chest anxiously. "Get closer I can't hear." Kie hit the gas a little harder and our car got closer to his. "He's talking about negotiating something...renegotiating." A few more minutes went by and I watched as Pope's eyes widened. "Gavin's got the gun Rafe used to kill Peterkin." I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Holy shit." Kie mumbled and we nodded in agreement.

"I think he's trying to use it as leverage." Pope explained and I nodded again.

"Ward tried to pay him off, he wants more money."

"Shit he's pulling over what do I do?!" Kie asked.

"Go around the block!" Pope yelled and she whipped the car around. When we pulled onto the next street Pope started to panic. "I can't hear anything!"

"I'm going!" Suddenly construction workers rolled out into the street and blocked off the road.

"Seriously?!" JJ hissed.

"You've got to be kidding!" They closed off the road behind us, boxing us in and preventing us from getting back over. Pope jumped out and took off towards Gavin's car on foot and the rest of us followed. We ran through a few people's yards and then caught up to Pope just as Gavin's car pulled away.

"Pope?" I asked as he stared at us wide-eyed.

"He's meeting Ward right now! We gotta go!" And with that we all sprinted back towards the car.


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