𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔢

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Love makes a family

It's been almost Four months since u came to elm tree house , it's now January 1st me and Liam and Mike are in a taxi on our way to a bigggg meeting with all sorts of people like mine and Liams social worker, my dad, my uncle zaci  people who helped my dad while he was away and other people,  i look out the window  at my reflection I'm in the dress my dad got me and pan was in his little suit , it was a special day of course  but as I look at my dress my eyes drift over to liam who was sitting next to me wearing a very annoyed expression I look over to him   He looks down at me then over at Mike " I don't get it Mike, if da-.. if liras dad couldn't cope that badly lira was taken into care I don't get how a few weeks later he can just decide ok I'm better now- imma get my kids now- it's too soon- " Liam protested

I couldn't understand why he'd wanna say that...doesn't he want to be with dad  . Mike looks up from some of the paperwork he was reading over " that's the whole point we have thus meeting to see if he is ready to care for you and lira " Mike answerd before getting lost in more work " he is ready he is! I know he is ! " I smile . Liam looks at me with a pittyfull expression  he wraps his arm around me and pulls me in close like a hug Mike smiles at us.  As soon as you knew it we where at the meeting place , I saw my dads red wrapped Ford Econoline van with the black spray paint on the side that read "punks not dead "    On the right side  . I opan the taxi door and  run over to the car  no one was in there but yet I look  inside " killer ride " Liam says joining me looking side of the car . Dads old skateboard was in the back and everything looked how I last saw it

My social workers car was behind my dads van . " cmon guys we are already late enough as it is " Mike shouts from the door , me and Liam head over and inside the building  we go into the masive lift "what number? " I ask Mike as I get ready to press the number button   "  uhh , we are onnnn..." he takes a pause to look at one of the sheets from the packet Liams social worker gave him " floor 7! "  before it could even register in my head liam  had pressed the button "Liam!! " I scold , he laughs and looks at himself in the mirror of the lift , we soon arive on floor 5 and Mike is the 1st to leave the lifts masive doors  I follow him but Before I leave the door a strong smell of blue raspberry hits me I turn around to see Liam slip a blue looking stick thing into his pocket with mikes back is still turn liam looks at me then I look down as he joins us on the long wallk down the hall  after what feels like a eternity of walking we get to meeting room 9

Mike opans the door and I see everyone there all looking at me I panic , liam must of knew as he takes my hand and wallks in with me  , Mike takes his seat , my dad was smileing at us , i smile back at him , liam gives what dad calls a half assed smile   . I sit next to liam the chairs where so low down but with masive backs it felt so werid . I sit pan on the table and the adults start talking  everyone started introducing themselves I space out until Thay got to my dads row "uhhh- I'm alexum   O'Donovan- and like I'm there dad-"  dad says then he looks at my uncle zaci , it was his tern next " hiya- uh- I'm zaci slater and I'm alexums parter -" he looks at my dad afterwards , partner? I think  zaci is my dads best friend so he must mean bisness parter right?......right?   . Liam gives my dad what looks like a disgusted look , I look down at my shoes as I kick my feet  I think we are finished with all the introduction but I was wrong. , there was a woman sitting next to zaci " uh hi I'm Amber Hearst I'm zaci and alexums Personal assistant and roady " she was wearing a black bandanna with little white patterns

The meeting started  and I drifted in and out if lira land as the social workers speak  but there voices where over taken by the sound of liam sighing whenever they'd mentioned us going to live with dad  " Liam is there anything you want to add? " his social worker asks , I think she was getting sick of him interrupting "yeah as a matter of fact  how do you know he isn't gonna take us then Chuck us back in a week  bc he "can't cope "  huh??"  Liam explains   Dad looks at him and smiles " I know your worried about this,..and I understand that but we are all gonna work as a team to try our best to make sure that doesn't happen " dad promises , I look at liam with a smile "alr..." Liam nods then looks down I see him putting the middle finger up under the table  , at the end of the meeting if was announced that me and Liam will have more vists and weekly sleepovers at dads

Half.. -title is a work In progress!-Where stories live. Discover now